The Afterlife in FateRealms | World Anvil
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The Afterlife

To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
— Albus Dumbledore

The question of "What happens hereafter?" is one that has been debated all over Glainia and the countless societies they are home to. Even though most cultures and religions have their own opinion on this matter, the following is what the general civil population, and other followers of the Glainian Pantheon, believe to be true.  

The Journey

After the death of an individual, the soul is instantly transported to the Shadowfell. From here the soul is escorted by The Raven Queen , or a subservient deity of the Raven Queen. If the individual had promised it's soul to some sort of being, most common case of this being to a devil or a demon, it will then be escorted to the promised entity at death.   If the individual is free to move to the afterlife, the soul is transported to the City of Judgement on the Fugue Plane in the Astral Sea. Here the soul awaits trial, in the Plateau of the Wandering. This period of waiting will never be longer than 18 days.   When the soul is called, it is brought to the Dome of the Just, in front of Maius, the just deity of Balance and Judgement. Here the soul will be judged on the life it lived. Those that fail judgement, being either too treacherous or evil and thus too corrupted for the afterlife, or those that did not serve their deity faithfully, along with the faithless, are taken to the Wall of the Faithless.   Those who pass judgement are then to be collected by a subservient celestial or deva of the deity they served in life, and transported to the home plane of that deity.  

Wall of the Faithless

This large looming luminescent wall is the general defense of the City of Judgement. The wall encompasses the whole city, and protects it from external attacks, especially by those that have need for a great number of souls, such as Orcus.   The souls of the ever dammed are brought here. Their souls are nailed to the ever growing "Wall of the Faithless". They form the bricks of the wall and are held in place by a large iron spikes. The spikes hold the souls while their essence is slowly dissolved away to nothingness.   The wall can be heard from a mile away, the never ending torment of screaming souls permeating the air all around. These souls spend time wreathed in pain and anguish until they fade into nothingness.   Occasionally, raiding demons would tear souls from the wall and return with them to the Abyss. These captured souls were used to spawn new low-level demons to swell the demonic ranks or to feed their masters.
For most people death is an uninviting facade hiding the never ending adventure after life.


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May 14, 2018 04:56 by Dimitris Havlidis

Padrone the "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." ought to be in a quote tag ;P Beautiful work but.

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May 15, 2018 19:30 by Kitashi

When I saw the picture and the title I knew I would like it. And I'm not disappointed.