Thadrius Forlorn Character in Fantasme Imagination | World Anvil

Thadrius Forlorn

Thadrius Forlorn

Thadrius Forlorn was the adopted parent of Johan Forlorn, and the Head Cleric of Fanentous Capital's Temple of Fanenta.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thadrius was an older elven man, his slender face had just begun forming wrinkles, and his cheeks were gaunt with prominent cheekbones. He was a tall slender man with a stern face that rarely smiled.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thadruis was the Head Priest and Cleric at the Fanentan Temple in the Capital City. He was known to be a very serious and quiet man by his peers, some would even call him strict. He would always demand the temple be kept sparkling clean and that absolutely no disrespect was shown to Fantenta and her temple. Clerics under him where exprected to be polite and professional and never goof off while performing their duties.   However, things changed when an infant was left at the doorstep of the temple. The child was sitting out in the cold with nothing but a blanket bundled around him, and a letter from presumably his biological parents, claiming that they were being targeted for human tracking and didn't want their child to be forced into that life too. Thadrius took the child in and took care of him while on the search for the missing parents, but they were never found.   Instead, he decided to formerly adopt the child and raise him as his own son, which in all his years before that point, he'd never had. Thadrius named him Johan and trained him from a young age to be a Cleric and taught him Light Magic. Many were outright shocked that an elf of his status would take in such a lowly human child, but Johan softened something in Thadrius that no one else had ever been able to.   As Johan got older, he was just about old enough to become an ordained Cleric at the temple, when the The Shade War broke out. When Vahit and his Shades attacked the capital, many came after the temple and attacked it. Johan was one of the first clerics to figure out that they were weak to light magic, but it was a realization that had come too late. Thadrius would be killed by the shades before Johan had time to save him.

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1938 AD 1988 AD 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Attacked by Shades
Cobalt Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


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