Eldritch Realm Geographic Location in Fantasia | World Anvil
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Eldritch Realm

From the Writings of Morris Nelson, archived in the Great Library of Maltsiet

The Eldritch Realm is the name attributed to the lesser known third realm of existence. The realm and beings within it are comprised of void magic in contrast to the Ether and Aether that makes up the mortal and immortal realms respectively but as it does not share the intimate relation of those two void magic and its manifestation is quite different. To those of the immortal or mortal realm the physical laws and structure of the eldritch realm would appear completely alien as it is a place which ones knowledge of the rules and mechanics to it directly affect ones ability to move and interact within it. To even enter it requires a transformative enlightenment to the eldritch truth, but even if one were to enter they would immediately perish if they had not the knowledge how to breathe within it or would be stuck helplessly if they did not have the knowledge to move within it. To move across the surface, to enter in its depths, to see the elder things that reside within it, to touch the forms of the structures and landscapes that exist within it, every aspect of existence within the realm one must have the proper knowledge of how to perform it. Knowledge is the most important resource to survival within the realm. Time within the realm is non linear and you will coexist inside of it alongside other beings and places who had found there way into it from all across the linear timelines of the other realms.     It was amazing, when I had resolved to construct my great library to contain all my findings the entire structure appeared before me as though the very conceptualization of it had made it so it already been made though I had yet to even place the first brick. I walked through its halls passed empty shelves until coming across an aisle of my greatest findings as they had already been written by my hand. In these halls shall I make a repository for all knowledge of this realm so that any wayward mortals like myself who wander in here need not be left in complete ignorance. - M.N.  


    The eldritch realm can best be described as a black sea of bottomless depth which you walk across the underside of its surface. Above the water is all the stars of the cosmos that alight the realm though the only direction one can go is further upwards into the depths of the Void sea that encompasses the entire realm. The deeper one goes the more distant the lights of the cosmos become and the less one is able to rely upon the light they provide and one would need knowledge of a new way to see within the void sea. Within the Void Sea exists entire cities and continents one may find if they have the knowledge to discover them consisting of landscape and architecture that can be both familiar and foreign to a visitor. Forests of glowing tendrils swaying in a formless wind, cities of twisted spires surrounding a maelstrom, labyrinths of ever shifting halls and chambers containing secrets and treasures long sealed, the sights and locales of the eldritch realm are varied and strange and only grow more so the deeper into the void sea you descend. Some lands are chaotic and borne of rampant void energy directionless in purpose and structure while others serve as sub realms or domains to powerful Elder things that anchor their holdings to have a structure and visual that is befitting to their will and needs. Upon these more stable grounds travelers and more sentient elder things have come together to form civilizations many in number and form. To many who find themselves lost here they can provide a much needed refuge if one has the knowledge of where and when they exist.   Today I found shelter with a man who fashioned himself a cottage of iridescent wood on the edge of a circular landmass I had landed upon. His attire was strange wearing metal that had edges which glowed a shining blue and carried with him a metal pipe that shot lightning. We each shared tales of our travels and where we had came from and he described a world quite unlike my own yet we shared the same tongue and spoke of the land in the same name. It was not long that we both concluded we must be from different points of time from the world as he recalls the kingdoms and cities of my home as being places of ancient history to him. I offered to him to accompany me and delve into secrets ever deeper but content he was with the life he fabricated for himself so I bid him farewell and continued on my expeditions. I do hope that when I leave this place I may return to the same point as which I left, the conversation reminded me how much I missed theorizing with my old colleagues - M.N.  

Eldritch Gods

  The ultimate powers within the eldritch realm, the beings whose actions are which brings creation to all the beings and lands within the void. Many within the mortal and immortal realm who learn of them have different perceptions of what the gods are, some perceive them malevolent beings plotting the demise of the worlds of the living. Some see them as holders of infinite knowledge that many are eager to submit themselves to in hopes of receiving even a fragment of that knowledge. And still there are those who think them beings so far above lesser beings their motivations and actions are forever incomprehensible and beyond our reach and understanding. And then there are those who know the truth.   And so it all comes back to them, every being and place here was wrought with some idea or purpose in mind by them. New lands and beings endlessly come from the infinite depths of the void sea. By their voice, the void is changed and wrought into form and acts on an imprinted instinct. I so eagerly await the chance to learn more of their designs and nature. - M.N.  

Elder Things

  The native denizens of the eldritch realm, beings born of the void. Many entities previously understood as aberrations can be traced back to having origins within the Eldritch Realm. All Elder things created seem to embody a concept or an ideology. These can be as simple or complex as ideas themselves can be making it impossible to document the entirety of elder things that exist. The nature of elder beings is equally as varied and many can be as benevolent or dangerous as the ideas their instincts embody. All pacts that mortals or immortals make with denizens of the eldritch realm are Elder Things that may sometimes masquerade themselves as gods and perhaps even believe these claims themselves. Most take a negative perception towards elder things though as typically it is the malevolent that mostly take interest in the affairs of other realms and are the ones that seek the desperate or foolish to become patron to. The full sentience of Elder Things is also dependent on the specific being as some have animalistic intelligence or automata esque behavior while others express the full range of emotion and free thought. Mortals or immortals who spend too long in the void risk becoming elder things themselves as the void sea ever so slowly siphons off ether and aether and dissipates it back to it's native realm and replace it with void energy but it seems those who ascend to elder thing status are not beholden to an instinct in the same manner as those native to the realm are.   While there are many elder things, I have noticed some creatures enough times I can identify them as being a race or species rather a singular entity. I would like to jest that some may simply be embodiment of contagious ideas or beliefs but truthfully I have not found any real discerning trait that can predict if an Elder Thing would be a unique case or part of a wider race. I am excited to look deeper into the subject though. - M.N.   Documented Elder Things   Vespers   Hexblades   Seurvi   Voidborne   Aboleths   Illithids/Neothelids   Beholder


  Once it was that the eldritch realm was located beyond the stars above, it was the void between the lights of the night sky. To those with the knowledge to reach it though they new the cosmos were not nearly so far as they appeared but rather it was right above their heads and a single step upwards was all it took to suddenly be located about the starlight surface of the void sea. It was a distant place that very seldom interacted or associated with those who did not seek it or the attention of the beings that dwell within. But then the realms had been converged, and the mortal and immortal realm alike were plunged into the depths of the Void Sea. The Eldritch realm exists all around them, but because the majority of mortals and immortals lack intimate knowledge with the Eldritch realms existence they do not know it is there. They do not drown in the Void sea as they do not know they are drowning. They are not torn apart by the roaming elder things that are enslaved to a ravenous hunger for they do not know these beasts dwell among them. The walk right through walls and landmasses because they do not know they are there. Their ignorance means nothing has changed. And since they do not know, the eldritch realm does not know or notice them either. If they were to become aware though, of the lightless ocean they were submerged in or the beings that swam and floated around and through them, they'd instantly find themselves in the eldritch realm and the unprepared would be subjected to a horrible fate.   Convergence, suddenly it was as though hundreds of voices all called out this word and everything had shook and shifted for but a moment before reality had settled again. A feeling of dread takes me and I fear something somewhere had just made a grave mistake. - M.N.

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