The Jet Black Rank/Title in Fanren yu | World Anvil
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The Jet Black

Outcasts are of great importance

The Jet Black is a significant title created by Zheng Yi, the Lord of Justice. During the past of Fanren yu, there are various disputes, which can be grown to wars of two states and that, if not controlled, it would harm a lot of innocent lives of people. During those times, most of the rulers of the kingdoms have no sympathy or empathy towards their people. They don't have much sympathy and empathy that the rulers would give severe punishments to those who have done just a small mistake. No person who abides the law, can do nothing to stop this, but instead obey them, even some are not righteously proclaimed.   During his lifetime in the Mortal Realm, Zheng Yi was an outlaw during his young adulthood and studied Martial Arts with or without weapons from himself, through a series of scrolls founded by him in a coincidence when he was robbing from an abandoned cart. During his old age, he realized that during the time of injustice, only outlaws, the people who are out of the laws, can stand up to those heads for the people. And so, he vowed to become a deity of justice in the spirit realm for the Jet Blacks to do his bidding in the mortal realm.   The flow of the Jet Blacks is the essence that passes from the past Jet Black and the next one, according to the wish of Zheng Yi. To those who have been chosen as the Jet Black, it is their duty to help the needy and guide the hopeless, while facing against those who are not righteous rulers at all.


There are no qualifications in the mortal realm for a person to become a Jet Black. Zheng Yi chooses the next Jet Black, and the person to become the next Jet Blacks must only be chosen if it would create balance to the world.


One must have the qualities of a person would stand for those who have mercy, and if they are belonging to a family of a ruler, they are not willing to continue his life like this. So only those who are or who are willing to become outlaws can be chosen as the next Jet Black or one of his team members.


When a Jet Black is at the end of his term, if during this time he is in old age, then he would meet the next chosen one and would hand over Ghostwalker, the sword of the Jet Blacks passed down from one Jet Black to another, mostly in private. If a Jet Black is during his death, he would hand over Ghostwalker to someone close to him in his team and he or she would wait until the next Jet Black arrives and would hand over Ghostwalker to him. Having the sword and the choice of Zheng Yi, the next Jet Black is complete and would start his missions.


Jet Blacks would do what Zheng Yi bids him or her to do. In general, Jet Blacks will help the needy and would stop conflicts that would harm innocent lives.


There are some benefits to being a Jet Black. Zheng Yi will tell him or her prophecies and destinies of what will be going to happen. Sometimes, he would let him or her see the future themselves t be aware of it.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The suit of a Jet Black is a bit the same as that of a ninja, but he wears a hood, that it would cover him in darkness like a shadow. A significant weapon of the Jet Black is Ghostwalker, typically the same as that of a ninja sword but has a unique significance, as it belongs to the Jet Blacks and it was destined to serve it.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There is no such dismissal, although if a Jet Black comes of old age, Zheng Yi would appear before him or her and the team and would say that the time has come for him to retire in the title and if there is any team member who is also of old age, can also resign if he wishes.


During his lifetime in the Mortal Realm, Zheng Yi was an outlaw during his young adulthood and studied Martial Arts with or without weapons from himself, through a series of scrolls founded by him in a coincidence when he was robbing from an abandoned cart. During his old age, he realized that during the time of injustice, only outlaw, the people who are out of the laws, can stand up to those heads for the people. And so, he vowed to become a deity of justice in the spirit realm for the Jet Blacks to do his bidding in the mortal realm.
Magical, Professional
Only when justice is at its height the tittle would pause.
Alternative Naming
Shadow in the hood
Equates to
Independent to the Mortal Realm.
Source of Authority
Zheng Yi, the Lord of Justice
Length of Term
Until his death or he is in old age.
Reports directly to
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