God Character in Falsmirror | World Anvil
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Our Father, who is in Heaven.

The Creator

God, the Father of all and Creator, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, El Shaddai, and countless more names. He created the world by speaking, "Let there be Light." He created everything, and the words He spoke to do so became the Unspoken Words. When he made angels, he gave them authority over his creation and showed them how strong Will was. When they lacked the strength of will he taught them to Sing their strength forth, and when they lacked the voice to sing, he taught them to Write and call upon the very Words he said when he created the world.   He is Omnipotent, able to do anything. He is Omniscient, knowing everything about Creation, down to the smallest detail. He is kind, always wanting the best for their creation, even if it means making hard choices. Above all, God loves all of his creations.   He is not perfect, but his love is absolute. He wants to be a good parent, even if not all of his children have become as he hoped. To this end he gave them free will, and swore to never interfere with them. This would have been fine, but when the The War in Heaven ended and The Fall happened, he found his hands tied. He could not help them, even when they desperately needed him, but he had faith in them that they would overcome and make him proud. Though they stumble and fall, he would be here and he would have faith in them.   God's Angels are deeply loved by him, but not all of them love him. His lost children, the Fallen Angel and the Salau, do not reciprocate his love, and many even hate him outright. This relationship is personal and intimate, and often shows in God's countless names and how each Angel, fallen or not, name God differently.  


  He created the Heavens, He created Mundus. He created both Aethereals and Mortals . When he created the Mortals, he gave them true freedom. They would live with his promise to never interfere with their freedom. However, this frightened Lucifer, who saw the evil they could create, and rebelled against him.   This ejection was the last direct act from God, and he has not acted personally since. When asked why few of the angels will answer, and the few who will say it is out of shame for nearly destroying one of those he loved.    Since then, he acts through his Angels, typically communicating to his Seraphim, but occasionally talking directly to lower ranking angels. He does this to add a layer of separation from his actions and those of his mortal creations, ensuring they are not quashed under his will.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

His greatest failure was allowing the War in Heaven to happen.
Divine Classification
The One True God
Current Location
Current Residence
Empyrean Throne
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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