Guild of Heralds Organization in Fallen Tolendra | World Anvil

Guild of Heralds

The Guild of Heralds is one of the last vestiges of the lost Tolnestrian Empire. By agreement of the new powers that arose from the ashes heralds are given free right of passage through any land.    Their main purpose is to maintain the genealogical records of noble families, upkeep records of letters of patent and issue new heraldic devices and sigils when awarded. Most often they are found at fairs, tournaments and courtly functions a noble might hold.  Secondary to this they act as messengers and negotiators. They assist ambassadors and often fill in as members of their staff. Heralds also work with other guilds in an attempt and to assist in maintaining a level a quality across the continent,  with  regards to finished goods. In particular the guild of mints, to keep the weights and values of currency constant.   The heralds are often times accused of engaging in espionage for their homelands. They are also thought of as being thieves and covering for criminal gangs and pirates. The guild does maintain a standing rule that if a member is caught in a criminal act, that  they will be expelled and subject to the laws of the land they are in. However, causing harm to them is impermissible. A ruffian causing harm will be put to death in most countries or punished if the offense was instigated by the herald. Should a sovereign harm a herald, that particular nation will have the heralds residing within it's borders instructed to perform only those tasks which are necessary to the guild as a whole.    Heralds do even though, not asked to do so, will carry petty news and gossip from place to place. Better if  the heralds can perform song  and music, this will gain them a reputation. Heralds can generally expect to be offered hospitality where ever they journey. Even if  it is nothing more than a meal and a place to sleep by the fire.


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Aug 1, 2022 09:47 by Gortius Octavo

I really like this article: it's a (apparently) honest organisation that has some tasks everyone can agree are benefitial, I really like it, thanks