Unnatural History in Fairweather | World Anvil

Unnatural History

From ghoulies & ghosties & long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord protect us.

Traditional Prayer

Keeping track of the flora and fauna of the realms as well as some of the more arcane species found here in our world keeps the Xenobiology section from growing idle. Most of the research is observational, as many of the specimens take rather active offense at being kept in captivity, let alone more intimate forms of study.   Investigators who survive encounters with previously unknown creatures or plants will find an eager audience curious about every detail. Those who bring back examples that are in good condition, but no longer overtly dangerous, earn great approbation from the xenobiologists and can generally expect to receive a nice tart or some cakes for their tea.

Thinking Creatures

Generic article | Jan 18, 2023

Dangerous, arrogant creatures who once sought to rule the realms and who still strike terror in all they cross.

Generic article | Aug 8, 2022

The Pecht are the "little people" of lore and fascinating in their own right.

Higher Animals

Generic article | Aug 8, 2022

Equine creatures with a most formidible horn.

Occult Creatures

Generic article | Aug 8, 2022

The vengeful patrons of unicorns.

Articles under Unnatural History

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