Sir Rotichello's 8 Point Reform Plan Document in Faerun | World Anvil
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Sir Rotichello's 8 Point Reform Plan

Following his seizure of power from the corrupt hands of the autocrat Lord Dagult Neverember, Sir Rotichello has made it his top priority to institute a series of political reforms within Neverwinter. Which include the following:

  1. The government of Neverwinter and all associates will seek an official armistice with the Republic of Luskan, with the intention of creating a lasting peace between the two cities.
  2. All war taxes and conscription orders will be cancelled effective immediately and the army will begin an official demobilization once peace is secured. All mercenary contracts will be paid in full.
  3. All goods stolen by Lord Neverember will be returned to their rightful owners, those who were unduly wronged by the Lord's regime will be compensated.
  4. All Lords, Knights, Government Officials, religious leaders and Military Officials will be recalled to the city to swear alligence to Neverwinter.
  5. Taxes on grain, corn, clothing and alcohol will be reduced. Whilst tariffs on imports will be increased.
  6. Confirmation of the new government by the members of the Lords alliance will be sought effective immediately. 
  7. A proper inquiry will be put into the threat of the Cult of The Dragon in the south and Neverwintrer will work closely with her allies within the Lords Alliance to combat any threats the the cult may pose.
  8. A referendum on the return of the monarchy will be held. The power of the monarch will be limited and all adminitrative, military, legal and economic powers will stay with the provisinal government until an official constitution can be established.
Decree, Governmental


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