Talraena Helvirae Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Talraena Helvirae

Talraena Helvirae was a female drow and the last matron mother of House Helvirae. Utterly ambitious and ruthless, she drove her House deep into the political machinations of Menzoberranzan. In an attempt to supplant House Baenre and the Council of Eight as the rulers of the city, she made a pact with the archdevil Fierna. However, her plan was thwarted, leading to her capture and execution by Lolthite drow in 1494 DR.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Talraena was born in 1338 DR to the minor House Helvirae. Despite her House's limited influence in city politics, Talraena from a young age was ambitious far beyond her station. She attended the Arach-Tinilith clerical school, becoming a priestess of Lolth. She was also tutored in martial, administrative, and other skills by her House to prepare for her inevitable ascension to Matron.

However, in 1452 DR, her mother was assassinated by a rival House, and Talraena was thrust into the position of Matron. Despite her not being ready, she took control of her House with ruthlessness. She immediately purged a number of suspected spies and traitors, taking revenge for her deceased mother. After her position was secure, she set about improving the position of House Helvirae through any means necessary. Conspiracy, assassination, and even seduction - nothing was too far for Talraena.

Increasingly, Talraena began to rely on her daughters as her enforcers. They were utterly loyal to her, and were far more reliable than the other members of the House. However, despite her best efforts, House Helvirae continued to be considered a minor House. In the early 1490s DR, Talraena came up with a brilliant, heretical plan. Rather than continue trusting in the faith of Lolth, she found a way to make a pact with the archdevil Fierna.

In exchange for Fierna's help in conquering the city of Menzoberranzan, Talraena offered her soul, and the city as a staging ground for further invasions of Faerûn. Fierna accepted, and House Helvirae began preparations to open a portal to Phlegethos.

However, as House Helvirae began their preparations, they faced resistance from an unexpected source. While investigating a civil war in the ruined city of Ched Nasad, the Ardent's Beta Team uncovered the influence of House Helvirae on the conflict. They later infiltrated the House itself, using disguise self spells, and found evidence of Talraena's pact with Fierna.

Although Talraena attempted to stop the interference of the Ardent, her resources were limited beyond Menzoberranzan. Despite this, and the loss of her daughter Iymtana, she was able to complete her portal preparations. With the blood sacrifice of the captured Nathxena Fey, Talraena was able to open a portal directly to Phlegethos, and the armies of Fierna marched into Menzoberranzan.

However, Talraena was quickly beset with problems. The other drow houses, rather than collapsing into infighting like the matron had hoped, instead banded together to defend Menzoberranzan. They were able to contain the devil incursion, but the frontlines were slowly pushed back into the city.

Thanks to the efforts of Beta Team, the Ardent was able to produce a device capable of shutting down the powerful portal that House Helvirae had opened. The houses of Menzoberranzan begrudgingly permitted a small force of Ardent into the city to aid in the fight. During the Battle of Menzoberranzan, House Helvirae forces were routed, the portal was closed, and Talraena herself was captured.

Shortly after her capture, Talraena was ritually sacrificed to Lolth in a grand public execution. The remains of House Helvirae were hunted down by drow assassins, and by mid-1494 DR, the only survivor was Iymtana Helvirae.
Neutral Evil
1338 DR 1494 DR 156 years old
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed to Lolth
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Character Portrait image: by SilkyNoire


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