The Purple Sea in Exodus | World Anvil

The Purple Sea


We say our goodbyes to our campsite companion and head south.

  The first night of heading south arrives. I finish eating near the fire, but notice Shen Po is missing. I go look for him.   I find him on the shore of the beach, close to the water and kneeling. I halt, listening briefly. He's praying. I turn and quietly head to my tent, not wanting to interrupt this unprecedented occurrence.   The next night reveals the same behavior from Shen Po. And the following morning, I notice two things. One, that Shen Po's youthfulness seems to have faded. His grouchy appearance is returning. And two, there are storm clouds on the western horizon. Huge, dark, and dangerous looking storm clouds. I point them out to the rest of the group and advise we move somewhere with more cover before the storm reaches us.   Except there really isn't anywhere nearby to go. Inland is just open plains. Feng Da suggests we dig a trench and use our tents as covering over that. No one seems to have any better ideas, and I really don't want to be caught out in the open in a powerful storm.  
  Exhausted after spending most of the day helping to dig our trench, I barely eat and then collapse into sleep. I'm not asleep long before the sound of the storm wakes me up. The rain pounds intensely on the covering canvas. The lightning illuminates everyone else's worried looks as thunder rips from the sky to the ground, reverberating the earth. It's truly a fearsome storm, even compared to ones I'd been in.   Feng Da peeks outside and pulls himself back in, giving us a shrug. "There's a clear path to the sea, like a...bubble of some sort is blocking the rain along a small path." Questioning looks are exchanged. Feng Da doesn't wait any longer and heads outside. We slowly follow.   It's very strange to walk through such a storm yet not get soaked. The "path" widens a bit as we approach the water. Standing, or rather hovering, right over the crest of the waves is a figure with outstretched arms gesturing around. Whenever a hand stops moving, lightning flashes from that direction. I stare at the man controlling the storm around us. His body is an amalgamation of silver, dull grey, deep purple, and sky blue. It's hard to tell if some of his skin is merely flesh or armor in some areas.   "Hail," Feng Da calls. I jump a little at how loud and clear I hear Feng Da. He also seems a little surprised.   The man looks to us, his hair violently whipping around his head. He gestures at the water with a trident in hand as he descends to the crest of a wave. The water parts, allowing us to get closer to the man.   "I am Feng Da," Feng Da says while rising from his bow. "And we are the Seekers of East. We come to you from Circsom as representatives of the The Circle of Dreams in an attempt to open up negotiations. May I have the honor of knowing to whom I speak?"   "My name is Banes," he replies in a higher pitched voice than I would've thought. "You somnians have traveled very far I take it."   "We're travelers who have interacted with many groups, but we're not directly affiliated with the somnians," Feng Da corrects.   Banes puts up his hand, silencing Feng Da from saying any more. The tension in the air builds until all of a sudden the last curtain of rain falls and the storm comes to an abrupt end. The waves calm and Banes lowers himself vertically closer to us. He walks across the exposed sand, and as he reaches us, he rests his trident in the sand. He gives a smile and tiny wave to Wander.   "It seems you were expecting someone more hostile," Feng Da says.   "In these times, it pays to be cautious." Banes looks over the group. "So you are brought to the Purple Sea by somnians, but you are not somnians yourselves. You say you are seekers? of east?" He picks up his trident again and points to where the sun has just crested over the horizon. "You may thank me at your leisure," he says smugly.   Feng Da doesn't miss a beat. "Your wisdom is duly observed. However, we are looking for a place named East. The city. Or, rather, we each seek the solutions that hopefully lie within East."   "Yes, at Eras Til no doubt."   Feng Da squints his eyes in thought. I speak quietly and remind him that Eras Til is where King Julius resides in the Marble City. Feng Da gives me a small nod, then politely explains to Banes that the Circle of Dreams druids and the Dreamkeeper also possibly hold solutions for a few group members, and completing this task is part of arranging that help.   "Allow me to give a piece of advice to you all." He looks to his feet and back up. "It sounds like you're wasting your time. How many errands do you think you'll run before they give you what you want? The somnians are a dubious lot that meddle with magics and powers they do not understand."   Feng Da's voice turns firm. "Regardless of their intent, I would see this errand done. Not because of them, but because of my own need to fulfill an agreement I have committed to."   Banes's eyes light up. "Feng Da, your name was?" Feng Da nods. "Consider your agreement fulfilled. I will ensure that negotiations are opened." His posture shifts slightly. "I take it, from your more effeminate companions about you, that you have knowledge regarding Eras Til?" Banes's gaze lands on me.   "Ah," I begin, not expecting to be part of the conversation. "We've heard of it," I say slowly.   "Good. You should go there." Banes continues on, informing us to seek an audience with Julius. A smirk appears on his face as he tells us we should also let Julius know the Nacylaths sent us. He doesn't extrapolate what this group he belongs to really does beyond "protecting everything".   Feng Da thanks Banes for the hospitality and advice. Banes smiles. "You're welcome. I quite like this group of individuals. Especially the orc. He knows not to talk, and I like that in a man." Before Luban can respond, Banes continues talking and turns to Wander. "Wander, have fun. Don't die."   "Ok," she promises.   Banes turns to walk away, but stops and turns back around. "Wander, who's your new favorite friend?"   Wander lifts a hand and points. At me. What? I blink.   Banes gives a little nod. "She is the best looking." Wander shrugs. I blush. I wasn't expecting a compliment from a triton. Banes beckons me closer. I take a couple of tentative steps forward. Banes stretches his hand out, some distance still between us. "Closer," he says. I take in a deep breath. Luban pushed me forward. "What's your favorite possession?" He asks me. I begrudgingly hold out my saber and journal. Banes hefts his trident and lays the prongs over the items. I don't feel or notice anything happen. "Ok done!" Banes announces. I frown, tuck away my journal and fasten my saber back to my belt.  
  Traveling back to Circsom is uneventful, but still takes us a while when avoiding all the dinosaurs.   Something feels off as soon as we enter the town. One of the cabins is completely roped off, though my suspicion is that's the one belonging to the Red Scarves representative here that Luban admitted to murdering. My unnerving feeling is justified as we enter the Religious District on our way to see the Dreamkeeper.   The temple is dismantled and the monastery is barred closed. Alto is the only person in the clearing, sitting next to a reflecting pool. He turns and jumps up when he sees us. His book falls to the ground. "Ah, one second," he says as he puts his hand to his heart. Shen Po asks what happened and Alto rapidly beings explaining.   "Well, uh, after you left, a sort of doorway...opened up in the temple and...bad, uh, stuff came through." Alto pulls out a hip flask and takes a sip. "Some people who survived the initial attack"—initial?—"had difficulty sleeping. They went to the, uh, monastery for treatment, but it...didn't work." I have a hard time processing what Alto explains next. "They...started stabbing and...and eating people." Alto takes a longer sip. "The, uh, gateway opened again and," Alto swallows hard. "And all the followers of Lune...their heads...dissolved."  
  We slowly make our way to the Commercial District, with Alto in tow. My stomach turns at the sight, and the smell. The tang of death is pervasive. Shoved to the side of the street are bits of...people and other shreds of flesh. I notice the river, or rather lack of river, and ask Alto about it. He says the river dried up during the attacks when a force was repelled into it. After a day, the water level tanked.   We go to check on Myuon. She's in a small private tent in a state of shock. Catatonic. I gently place my hand on hers. I close my eyes and focus my thoughts, seeking her out. I connect and let out a relieved breath.   "Myuon, it's Vae. How can we help you?"   I hear her voice in my head, surprisingly upbeat. "Hi Vae, it's Myuon. I'm actually really glad to hear from anyone. I'm not sure where I am but I can only assume it's a maze of some sort."   I focus and push another thought her way. "It's been about two weeks. Your body is not responsive, how can we help you?"   "I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. And I don't remember what I was doing before I got here. I just appeared here and I've been trying to find my way out, but it's not so much a maze as I just don't know which way I should go."   I feel my exhaustion pick up from keeping the connection going."This is the last message I can send. The last anyone knew, you were in the Dreamscape. We'll alert the people left here in town that you can be reached. But we don't know how to help you right now."   "I don't know what happened, but based on my training, I might be in the Nightmare Realm. It feels like there are other people in here. I'll try to form a group."   I feel the connection fade. "Stay strong."   Silence.  
  The door to Aemillius's residence swings open easily. No one's home. Must've packed up and left during one of the attacks. I eye the curtain-less windows. Seriously? He took the curtains too? The book. Find the book. I sift through what remains in this cabin. There. I grab the book about the Cloudfrond and lower myself into a chair.   The book is very comprehensive. It begins with a legend regarding the plant's origin. There's a section on how it could be prepared, but the author seems to have never made any sort of Cloudfrond extraction. A mention about the plant's more dangerous poisonous application. It was more common in the past, but its decline occurred as its full properties were discovered. The Cloudfrond adapted to survive in harsher climates. The author lists some possible places, all in areas where locals wouldn't know the plant, or very dangerous places. I turn to where maps should be and I'm greeted with the tatters of a page ripped at the spine. I snap the book closed, irritated at Aemillius's hypocrisy.  
  With plenty of guards keeping watch over the tents, we sleep in order to meet with the Dreamkeeper, except Shen Po. I gain consciousness in a familiar rainbow cloudscape. A humanoid figure stands before us. I blink and squint a little. It's like I'm looking in a foggy mirror. The figure looks vaguely like me, but I can't focus my vision on the figure enough to get a definitive look.   "Hello," the figure says. "I am the Dreamkeeper."   Wander tilts her head. "Why do you look like Chief?"   The Dreamkeeper explains that it appears as a familiar form, or at least a non-threatening one, as to be less disconcerting from its usual flying serpent form. Luban relays what we've done for it so far.   The Dreamkeeper bows its head slightly. "Know that I appreciate everything you have done for my followers."   "What did you do to Shen Po?" Luban asks, getting straight to the point.   "There seems to be another acting upon him, one more powerful than I," The Dreamkeeper responds with regret in its soft voice.   Mildred's creaky voice speaks up. "Is there anything we can do to help him?"   "Would that I could, I would have already done so. I don't know what you all can do for him, but I suspect that you can, given that you've proven yourselves more than capable."   "More down to earth question," Feng Da starts, his voice sounding very nervous. That isn't like him. He always speaks with confidence. "If we, uh, get the river flowing again, will it, uh, lead us to Eras Til?"   The Dreamkeeper nods. "Yes, it will."   "Do you know what's blocking the river?" Mildred asks.   "I do not." The Dreamkeeper closes its eyes for a second. "The creatures that attacked us were clearly intelligent and deliberate. They came from the same portal as the monstrosity you encountered, but were not the same."   "What is that thing that we saw in the portal?" Mildred asks.   The Dreamkeeper shakes its head. "I don't know anything about it. Though clearly malevolent, it's neither demon nor devil. It is obvious that Shen Po has a connection to it, though the nature of that relationship is known only to Shen Po Ren himself."   Everyone is quiet for a moment. "Is there any way we can help Myuon?" Mildred asks.   "Now that I know more about her plight, I can better aid her. But the force that has chosen to align itself against us is regrettably more powerful than I."   Luban asks about the golden dragon from his dream, but the Dreamkeeper only mentions that Luban is a planner and a thinker, and has much foresight. Luban's expression is a mixture of confusion and frustration.   The Dreamkeeper turns to address everyone. "I suppose that not long from now, your path will take you far from here. I appreciate your sense of duty. You have helped my people a great deal. Is there anything that I can provide that may aid you? Perhaps something not quite tangible?"   Feng Da stares straight at the Dreamkeeper. "Can you help me?"   The Dreamkeeper nods "Yes. By the time you wake up, you will have been helped," he holds up a warning hand, "but you won't like it."   The Dreamkeeper looks to the full group again. "Please, finish sleeping now." And the soft-lit cloudscape fades to nothing.   When I wake, there is a slip of paper in my hand. Another letter? I carefully unfold the paper and read Arslan's words.  
Dear Vae,
I am staying ever invigored. I hope I can make this last. It's hard to stay happy
here but I'm trying.
I'm detailing this captor. This details my observations. Now, she is obviously seeing the letters I send but I feel she appreciates me reporting. I think she believes that I'm giving you false hope and she seems to enjoy that.

Who is...

...she remembered my birthday.

When asked what she had in store for me she stated "som...
power is something I cannot fully comprehend at this point. Escape on my own would be pure suicide. However, I don't look forward to understanding her...
...". I will continue to research more.

Your friendly neighborhood goliath,
P.S. Find my father. He must be alive.
  I close my eyes, frustrated. I don't seem to have much longer to find him. But how?

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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