Trade Guild of Ambergris Organization in Exflora | World Anvil
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Trade Guild of Ambergris

The Trade Guild of Ambergris is about the most powerful organisation in Ambergris which is itself the largest nation on Exflora. With the control of trade ports on the main trade routes within the empire, the guild has immense political and financial power.   The guild has set up a series of ports, market towns, barge docks, stock markets and storage warehouses all across the Empire. They have a network of Horse pulled delivery carts, Badges and ocean-going trading ships that can deliver items from every city or town in the empire to any other city or town in the empire.   The guild however does not conflict with the traditional traffic traversing the Zients Old Order Trade Routes as they have learnt that mutual assistance will benefit both parties. What they have done is to come to an understanding that, for trade outside the Empire, the organisations utilising the Zients Old Order Trade Routes, will handle the trade, while all domestic trade must be handled by the Ambergris Trade Guild, even if they use the same roadways and the same market towns. In this way, both organisations benefit from their shared infrastructures.  
  The structure of the guild is very defused with a robust spokes and hubs system with many interlinking trade routes. Each city or town would have a local guild office and they forward the trade into the closest substantial town or onto the closest regional capital where the items are all repacked to be sent onto the regional capital closest to the destination town or a closer substantial town. In this way, the guild needs to only manage the long-distance trading between the 14 regional capitals and about 35 other substantial towns before the local distribution of the guild takes over the task.   The process is efficient with trade being possible from one end of the empire to the other in about 6 weeks.   Because of the number of people employed by the guild, there is ample chance for work and advancement so it is a popular occupation. There is no overall head of the guild but each province does have a designated guild leader to manage any issues that occur within the boundaries of the state.


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