The Shattered Teeth Geographic Location in Exandria | World Anvil
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The Shattered Teeth

Should someone wish to sail the dangerous waters south- east of Tal’Dorei, past the ever-present fog bank called the Fool’s Curtain, one might discover themselves adrift among a cluster of forty-three islands referred to as the Shattered Teeth.   The Ossended Host is an enormous fisherman culture of isolationism and self-empowerment through the worship of the power of dreams and nightmares, mystics and other that dabble in dreams and psionic powers thrive here.   The Wanderman Assembly is a centuries-old trade company that, upon being stranded across the Shattered Teeth after a hurricane, began a somewhat brutal capitalistic society that poorly masquerades under the banner of honor and brotherhood.   This tension has led to bloodshed in recent years, and each group is paranoid the other is bent on the destruc- tion of their way of life. What brims beneath the surface of this conflict is the nature and source of the dreams the Ossended Host have been harnessing for generations, and what that answer may mean for the struggles of the people of the Shattered Teeth.   Inspirations From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, the Ossended Host bears a 10th century Japanese fishing village flavor to most townships, with the Wanderman Assembly taking inspiration from 16th century British colonies in the Caribbean.


Varying in size from small, mile-across reef-toppers to the large, city-holding islands like Ruukva, this cluster of broken lands contains two combative societies: the Ossended Host and the Wanderman Assembly.

Fauna & Flora


Natural Resources

Fishing, hunting, crops, foodstuffs, salt, pearls, timber, hemp.
Vedalken race origins in Exandria: The Vedalken are a unique race native to the Shattered Teeth islands. They are an amphibious race that can breathe underwater for a short time and who's skin evolved to various shades of blue, an excellent camoflage defense mechanism against predators in the deep. Their society calls themselves the Ossended Host and have been an isolationist tropical island nation up until know. They compete for control of the Shattered Teeth with the Wandermen Assembly; the remaining descendants (of various races) that were part of a stranded shipping company fleet that survived a hurricane but could not make it back home through the treacherous waters. They decided to give up trying to escape the Fool's Curtain and began to establish their own capitolistic society on one of the larger islands, killing the vedalken residents that resisted the occupation. The Vedalken have been trying to take back their islands ever since. In recent years, the Vedalken have suffered grave losses due to storms claiming fleets and various strategic attacks from the Wanderman Assembly. Now they send out emissaries on sentient magic flying ships (can only fly for a limited period of time and can only land in water, which it needs to replenish itself for the next flight) seeking an alliance with any who will help them fight off the viscous pirates that invaded their homeland and save their people. If they can make it back safely that is... More details TBD...
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