Rilaemshi War Military Conflict in Ethnis | World Anvil

Rilaemshi War

The Rilaemshi War was a Eiukan plot to overthrow the Aempian Empire. It temporaily succeeded, resulting in the death of Emporer Akotan Khandea, but was thwarted when his son, Clasnithra took the Circlet of Lun-Kheren, and organized an uprising and execution of the Rilaem's leaders.


Contributing Factors

19468: Eiuka claims Anzon's Crown

The Rebalancing

Known in Aempis as The War for Aempian Independance, the Rebalancing

19629: The Rilaem War Begins

Battle: Thon Nhicoranni

The Rilaem initiate a surprise attack on Nhicoranni bay, where Aempis' defenses against them are the weakest. The reason for this attack is initially confusing, though quickly resolves itself as Aempis realizes that the Rilaem are attacking the farmlands to convert herd animals into Ra-zi.

The main Rilaem forces are ultimately unable to hold the beach, but many get past the line and retreat into the woods, where they unleashed the Ra-zi into the local wildlife to build up their infantry.

The Battle was also a distraction.

Major Fights

  • Nicodemus + Cordelia vs Havoc
  • Alexander + Sattyk vs Mayhem


  • Sattyk Ghjhu Tor Hayjn was killed by Mayhem.

Battle: Drat'n Hyani

During the attack on Nhicoranni, the Rilaem organized another attack from the undercity of the nearby Drat'n Hyani. Ra-zi forces were funneled in from the forest after the initial firebombs and riots, unleashing bonefloods on the unsuspecting populace. Mass death and panic followed, during which the sparse Rilaem forces were able to overthrow the capital and hold it hostage.

Battle: Drat'n UrVatk

Battle: Drat'n Metkrah

In a massive assault, the now-bolstered forces of the Rilaem set their sights on the capital of Aempis. The Aempian army, scattered from attacks on all sides—Valuser'rh testing their western border, the Malisyk tapping at their top, and constant, frenetic skirmishes breaking out all over within—was weakened, and not ready for the assault the Rilaem had mustered.

The Battle begins with an attack on Warden's tower, and it is knocked offline.

Akotan Khandea is assassinated, and the forces of Aempis dissolve, retreat, or surrender. In retreat, Shadramon is isolated and killed by Ra-zi, and Jauk Shalades suffers lethal wounds from Vinhibrani.


19630 Battle for Anzon's Crown

Long thought dead, Jonas and Cordelia Jadey contact the Titans who survived the fall of Metkrah, and inform them that many of the Rilaem fighters came from Anzon's Crown. If they can muster some forces to help bring it down, then they can take out the Rilaem base of operations while it's still understaffed.

Clasnithra is able to help muster some forces, and several of the titans are able to attend. The odds are massively against them, but with several Monoliths ready to fight on their behalf, as well as Clasnithra calling in some debts from local forces (such as Digger), they are able to attack and take Anzon's crown for themselves.

Taking the base compromised the Rilaem network, and gave them the information they needed to launch a counter assault on Metkrah to take it back.

Battle: Reclaiming Metkrah

The bloody crescendo to the war and a reversal of terms—the takeback of Metkrah was one of guerilla warfare in which the Titans freed as many soldiers as possible to fight the occupying forces, then launched an assault on the Rilaem leaders and officers.

  • Clasnithra, Jonas, Cordelia, and Hierus defeat Vinhibrani.
  • Alexander and Manul defeat Mayhem in a brutal brawl which results in Alexander nearly dying.
  • Nicodemus shotguns Eiuka in the face.


The Dissolution of the Malisyk

The Aempian Inquisition

Fresh off of the war, Clasnithra's rage towards the Malisyk quickly grows into vehemence and an inquisition. A dark chapter in the Aempian historical entries.

Blood Snow Offensive

Blood Snow Offensive

Notable Combatants


Defending the supremacy of Aempian control over Aempis, Earth, and positions around the world.


Dethroning the reign of terror that is Aempian imperialism.

  • Eiuka Rila Ak'kazu-Kazaiso Tor Anzon
  • Brotherhood of the Dissonant Cascade
    • Brother Chaos
    • Brother Havoc
    • Brother Mayhem
  • Simon Lovelace
  • Vinhibrani


Putting the pawns in place for a later war


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