Ostré koza Species in Ethnis | World Anvil

Ostré koza

Curled horns the length of her arm, elegant and imposing. Short quills jutted out from its body. The sharp protrusions bristling and rattling with each step the creatures took. They paid no heed to the intruders in the cave. They had other priorities; feeding on the dew coated vegetation Territorial herbivores.   300~ lbs. Their spikes were a defense against the predators in the area. The horns were dense, and their charge can dent steel plate. If you could get the meat, it’d be tender, fatty and delicious

Basic Information


A four-legged booth resembling a mix of an earthen Ram and Deer. This herbivore has multiple ways of defending itself. The horns, while intricate and lengthy, are hard as steel and just as damaging.   Adorned upon its back, to protect it self from over-head predators, is a bed of needle-sharp quills.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They hover into the intelligence of Dogs

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Ostre Kozas can be tamed by Sophonts for riding purposes. Their ability to climb and move with haste provides valuable use to native tribes.
Scientific Name
30+ years
Average Height
6-7 Feet from Hoove to Shoulder
Average Weight
500-700 Lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their colors and patterning can range from lighter tan coats to dark black coats. Spotting of the fur occurs on the belly and neck, to aid in camouflage.

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