Mother's Protection Organization in Ethnis | World Anvil

Mother's Protection

Mother's Protection is the belief that spans from the suggestions and advice given by the Junkberg Bermuda onboard AI known by the full name of Mother Curie.

Many aboard the Junkberg Bermuda hold Mother Curie as a religious idol, especially among the Scrappers, whom she helps protect by giving advisories and warnings to dangerous situations.

A Protective Force

Mother Curie was brought aboard the Junkberg Bermuda to serve as its central artifical intelligence. While she was not equipped for that job, it is a job she puts all of her effort into.

Her constant overwatch of the station led to many of the Bermudians to cast her as a motherly and protective figure. Over time, it became more of a religious following. "Believe in Mother Curie's words, she knows what is best for us."


Leave food for Can-Dos

This is a belief that traces its all the way back to the founding of the Bermuda. Mother Curie, understanding that the Can-dos were critical to keeping the Bermuda together, asked all aboard to leave what they can't eat out for the Can-dos.

Many homes who believe in Mother's Protection will have a plate specific for feeding Can-dos. It is left outside the door at night, along with other treats or whatever the family has to offer.

Avoid the Outside of the Scrapyard

The Outside edge of The Scrapyard is a place where Mother Curie's sensors have a hard time reaching. It is near impossible for her to warn those on the outside of the Scrapyard of any dangers.

Because of those, most will avoid the outside of the Scrapyard.

Cover Windows When Ships Approach

While this has no actual rooting in science, after an incident where a Wayship pilot reported being blinded by reflected lights, Curie asked all citizens to close their windows on ships approaching.

Most ships are capable of handling any glare, but many new pilots are confused why many of the portholes seal shut when they arrive to dock.


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