Terran Vampire Species in Etherium | World Anvil

Terran Vampire

Basic Information


While mostly the same internally as a standard human, the supernatural power granted by the Verith has made some modifications, namely in durability and endurance. A vampire's muscles, lungs, and heart are stronger and able to handle many times the amounts of stress an average human can, and their gift also means they can heal from nearly any injury within seconds to minutes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampires become sterile after the Verith's gift fully takes hold. The only way to make more vampires is to spread the gift by sharing blood - the vampire must amply wound themselves so that they don't heal too fast, and have the human subject drink 3-4 mouthfuls of blood, either direct from the wound or from a vessel the blood is poured into.   Due to the Verith's decisions when he created the gift, it cannot be passed to children or adolescents.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is not so much blood a vampire requires as the life energy that suffuses it, since life energy is the source of their supernatural gifts and their boost to arcane and psychic powers. All vampires gain the potential to draw the life energy directly from a human, leaving the blood behind, but it takes time, practice, and skill to do it, and new vampires are almost never successful. It also takes far longer to feed in this manner, requiring a minute of focus to drain the required amount of energy from a donor. For this reason, it is often seen as a sign of strength and control for an older vampire to be able to feed primarily through energy drain, rather than bloodletting.   Older vampires still choosing to drink blood as their primary means of consumption are often seen as lazy.   For vampires who expend little energy, be it physical or metaphysical, they must only feed once every other month, and need no more than a pint of blood or the equivalent life energy that would provide.   For those who exert themselves frequently, depending on how often and how much they expend, they may need to feed multiple times a month or even multiple times a week. Typically, it is the designated warriors of a clan who need to feed several times a month.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lord vampires are the head of a clan, managing relations with the rest of humanity, other vampire clans, and having the final decision on who is made a vampire for their own clan.   Master vampires may or may not have ranks of their own within a clan, but their power tier does allot them a certain amount of respect from other, weaker vampires.   Younger, weaker vampires may have various positions within a clan, ranging from seeking out life-donors, simply holding regular jobs to bring in money, to a plethora of other tasks.   All vampires who hold a job or otherwise bring in money, are expected to pay a tithe to the Lord of the clan, who for all intents and purposes plays the role of a king or queen. They maintain a treasury, which is used to supply the clan with necessities, and ensure the Lord themselves is well protected and cared for. If a Lord dies, the entire clan suffers their loss, so it is in everyone's best interest to ensure their Lord's wellbeing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The supernatural enhancements of the gift include keener hearing, improved night vision (once adjusted, a vampire can see during the night as well as they can during daylight), better spatial awareness, and a more accurate sense of smell. They also get a boost to their astral senses, and have an easier time learning how to perceive that which is metaphysical.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

  •  The Verith
  •  Giltera Elenisia
  •  Ithamar Elenisia
Average Height
Average Weight
150 lbs - 300 lbs
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel