Reifier Klamén Organization in Etherium | World Anvil

Reifier Klamén

Purifying Blades

The Reifier Klamén are a world-and-space-spanning assassin organization. They’re fairly decentralized, with no primary headquarters, which makes them hard to combat even if someone learns where a base is located. They possess numerous bases the world over, as well as a fleet of space vessels, all to facilitate their goals of purifying the world of its corruption.   Believing wholly in Anak’shi, the god of death, they follow his teachings closely, and use only edged weaponry or poisons to fulfill their goals of cleansing.


In the organization, rank is shown by the utilization of braided hair. First the member's hair is grown long, typically down to the shoulders, and then four small sections are braided out of the way so that the rest may be cut short, typically no longer than one-to-three inches. There is a braid in front of each ear, starting from behind the bangs, and two more behind each ear, closer to the back of the head. With children, their hair is allowed to grow as long as desired up until the age of 7. With recruits taken from outside the organization, usually their first year within is long enough for their hair to grow and then be styled accordingly.   Beads are worn first on the left front braid, then the right front, then back left, then back right, one at a time, until no more than four beads maximum is on each braid. For the Right Hand, at each rank starting at first, a translucent black glass bead is given. For the Left Hand, the beads are all made of sterling silver. For the Blood and Bones, it's red glass beads for the medical workers, and white for everyone else.   For exemplary or truly heroic acts, colored beads may be given in addition to the standard ones, to be worn on one of the front braids.   The Ranks of the Right Hand
The Right Hand of Anak’shi:   1. Recruit: Angurvadal
Named after a Norse sword which glowed during peace and blazed during war, the first rank of the Reifier Klamé is known as Angurvadal. They are fresh recruits, either taken off the streets or from their homes of hardship, or have proven themselves in one of the rare, rigorous application processes. All worldly possessions are stripped away, and they are given a basic uniform and a bed in a shared room with thirty-nine other recruits. Training begins with basic mixed martial arts and simple obstacle courses.   Children born into the R.K. are trained by their parents prior to technically being considered recruits, but at the age of 7 they are expected to be moved on up the ranks of either the Right or the Left Hand, or if they fit into neither, moved elsewhere in the Body.   2. Initiate: Tizona
Named after one of a pair of ancient Spanish swords which frightens unworthy opponents, the Tizona is the second rank of the organization. Having survived the unforgiving training of early recruitment, they are given a better, custom-fit uniform, and their first sword. Tizona are trained more extensively in mixed martial arts, and begin to learn how to use their new weapon.   Children born into the R.K. enter this rank at the age of 8. For all others, it takes twelve months to reach this rank.   3. Apprentice: Peleus
Being named after a mystical sword that makes one’s hunt successful, Peleus is the third rank of the R.K., consisting of members who have proven themselves after three years of training as Tizona. Further training in martial arts and the way of the sword continue.   4. Trainee: Hrotti
Hrotti once being part of a dragon’s treasure, members finally earn this rank after an additional three years of training as a Peleus and proving themselves in a final exam. A new set of combat skills is introduced, which includes ranged training. A nicer, custom uniform is given, as well as a smaller room shared with no more than ten people.   5. Disciple: Morgelai
So Morgelai was gifted to a knight by a king, the Morgelai of the Reifier Klamén are gifted a new, custom sword upon reaching this rank after another three years of intensive, unforgiving training. In addition to being taught further combat skills, they are taken on their first assassination mission six months after becoming Morgelai. If successful, their training continues on in the aforementioned pattern. If they fail, they are severely punished by the whip of their Mentor, but will get another chance. If they fail their second attempt, they are instead moved to a mostly noncombatant Body part to serve.   6. Soldier: Durendal
Having by now proven themselves capable killers, Morgelai ascend to the rank of Durendal after four more years of service. They are given their first injection of blood nanites, which boosts healing, prevents blood loss, and immunizes against most toxins. At this rank, named after the sharpest sword in existence and wielded by a paladin, they start getting sent out with cells of other members, each with a ranking officer who is in charge of procuring contracts and making sure they are carried out. Their combat training also continues in between these contracts. Demon slaying is introduced.   7. Advanced Soldier: Balmung
Having proven themselves further during their three years as a Durendal, Balmung is the next rank up. A second injection of nanofluid is given, this one able to drastically slow the aging process and therefore extending the Klamé’s lifespan so that they may server for far longer (and, have a better chance of climbing up the ranks while still relatively youthful.) Their training intensifies in preparation for the next rank, and they remain traveling in cells with their ranking officer.   8. Warrior: Hrunting
Named after the envenomed sword of a hero, this rank is earned once the Klamé spends four years as a competent Balmung. In addition to further combat techniques, the member is taught all about how to use poisons and their antidotes. They also begin imbibing various new poisons in small doses to teach their nanites how to neutralize them. They are given a room in their base of choice within their assigned region, shared with one or two of their squadmates.   9. Advanced Warrior: Kladenets
Named after a ‘self-swinging sword,’ by now the Klamé member is so adept at killing that it has become second nature. The rank of Kladenets is earned after yet four more years spent as a Hrunting. Further combat techniques are taught, along with more applications of toxins.   10. Blade: Kamalu
Four years as a competent Kladenets is the prerequisite for becoming a Kamalu, a rank named after an evil-detecting sword wielded by a war god. The member’s combat abilities are further honed. An artificially grown rhythmist gland is surgically implanted near where the spine meets the hips, which contains various hormones and drugs that manage specific things, based on the individual needs of the subject.   11. Advanced Blade: Chrysaor
Four more years as a Kamalu is required before one can become a Chrysaor, the rank named after a blade said to cut through anything. At this stage, a twin pair of custom HF swords is bestowed upon the Klamé, and combat training is further intensified. Solo missions begin.   12. Elite Blade: Arondight
Arondight being a blade wielded by a holy knight, this is the final rank before the truly elite, and is one of hardest ranks to surpass, even though it requires only four more years as a competent Chrysaor to obtain. The Klamé is tested harshly by their superiors, requiring every shred of knowledge learned up to this point to even have a hope of moving upwards.   13. Assassin: Khanda
It can take one year or ten years, or, in some cases, even longer, to reach the first proper assassin rank. Khanda, named after a blade which represents wisdom cutting through ignorance, this rank is earned not through violence, but through strength of mind alone. A well-guarded secret by all who obtain the rank, it is broadly seen as a mystery how the rank is truly gained.   14. Advanced Assassin: Harpe
It takes six years as Khanda to reach this rank, and the Klamé must also prove themselves capable of shielding from all forms of mental assault. Harpe is the name of a blade that killed a snake-headed monster whose gaze could petrify, and so the Harpe must be able to fight indirectly when direct confrontation would prove a folly.   15. Elite Assassin: Caliburn
Ten years as a Harpe is needed to reach this rank, which is named after a legendary sword of mystic properties. The Caliburn must have learned by now not only how to shield the mind, but expertly react to and counter both arcane and psychic assaults with little error.   16. Pure Assassin: Balisarda
Named after a blade capable of cutting through enchanted substances, this rank is acquired after fifteen years of service as a Caliburn. The Balisarda must also be able to slay a powerful corrupt arcanist or psychic while remaining undetected.   17. Holy Assassin: Caladbolg
Caladbolg, the rank named after a sword mighty enough to sheer the tops off of hills, fifteen more years of dedication and competent service is required to reach this rank. One’s devotion to Anak’shi and the organization must be steadfast, and it is said Anak’shi himself will mark the Klamé in some way or visit in a dream when they are worthy of this rank.   18. Master: Fragarach
It takes twenty years as a Caladbolg to reach this rank, named after a sword forged by gods and able to cleave through any armor while bestowing power to control the wind to its wielder. Not only must one be dedicated to reach this rank, they must also move as swift and silent as the wind itself (regardless of whether or not one has many cybernetics implanted). They are granted a new pair of HF swords and a silent, long-range crossbow made of tungsten alloy.   19. Grand Master: Masamune
Masamune is named after both a legendary sword and its smith, which was said to only cleave that which was impure while sparing the innocent. Having proven themselves over another twenty years of devout service, and having learned nearly all that the organization can teach, the Fragarach ascends to the rank of Masamune.   20. Holy Grand Master: Excalibur
The highest title one can have bestowed is Excalibur, so named after the blade of an ancient king. It can only be granted by the Diotklamé, and is only given to those most trusted within the organization. They report directly to the Diotklamé while also ensuring his or her will is carried out.   21. Anak'shi's Chosen: Diotklamé (Godblade)
The Diotklamé title is not earned naturally, but rather, one must discover, locate, and kill the current Diotklamé in order to take their place, and to take on the major task of running an entire assassin organization. This is by far the most difficult test any member may face. Once the current Diotklamé is known to be dead, usually found out by one of the current Excaliburs, they may then choose the name of their rank, derived from one of the swords of myth and legend that were wielded by kings or gods.   Typically, the new Diotklamé slays all current members of the Excalibur rank, and then chooses their own most trusted friends or allies for the position. If the Diotklamé fails to kill an Excalibur and is instead slain, that Excalibur gets to take over the organization. They will often keep the other current Excalibur members, since they normally would have developed much trust for eachother over the years.     Side Ranks:   Mentor:
Always a Khandra or better, they handle assigned groups of Reifier Klamén, acting as their direct top superior in all matters. They are also to more closely train their members whilst in a base, and offer support from afar. A Mentor is one who has proven themselves capable of teaching in most areas important to the Right Hand, and are given a custom uniform and private quarters befitting of their position. A sky blue hair bead is added to show their position within their rank.   Ahnrik (Officer):
Arondight at the lowest, Ahnriken are given charge of a cell of three to seven members, whom they train in the field, and who the rest of the members of that cell report to. They are also in charge of locating new potential recruits for the organization. A special amber hair bead is given to show their position within their rank.
    The Blood and Bones of Anak'shi
The Blood and Bones of Anak'shi:   This is the technologically- and medically-focused branch of the organization, consisting of doctors, technicians, mechanics, engineers, and scientists of all stripes. Klamén ill-fitted for either Hand wind up here, pursuing intellectual studies that will better the organization as a whole. Homed across bases worldwide or in large space vessels, they travel little, if at all, focused entirely on advancing medicine, drugs, weapons, armor, transport vehicles, defenses, and cybernetics.   Proving they are not a selfish organization, they occasionally disseminate their findings to individuals and small groups outside of the organization, so that Terra as a whole might benefit from their new inventions and medical advancements.  
Medical Hierarchy
1. Medical Student
2. First Year Resident
3. Junior Resident
4. Senior Resident
5. Chief Resident
6. Fellow Pharmacist
7. Physician Assistant Practical Nurse>Registered Nurse>Advanced Practice Nurse
8. Attending Physician Physical, Mental, and Occupational Therapists
9. Specialist, Subspecialist, & Hospitalist
10. Head of Department
11. Medical Director

Public Agenda

Driven by their beliefs in the death god, Anak'shi, the Reifier Klamén strive to purify the world of the corrupt souls who would do it harm. Typically, these souls belong to people in positions of high standing, power, or both, and have proven beyond all doubt that they are corrupt in some manner. Whether it be exploiting the less fortunate for profit, participating in the dark rings of the world slave trade, or actively seeking to do great harm to masses of innocents, they mark themselves as targets for the unforgiving Reifier Klamén.  


They recruit as young as possible, favoring children and adolescents who have been through great trauma of some form, or who are orphaned, although they will take in adults in some circumstances. The reasoning for this is that it is easier to reshape and mold young people into a tool to suit the Reifier Klamén’s needs and goals. The older the recruit, the more work it is to reshape their mind, and oftentimes, it isn’t worth it.   Rarely, as in, once every twenty years or so, they will run an open recruitment program, where they accept applicants of all ages to help bolster their numbers in a given area. Finding out where and how to apply is another matter, since the RK utilize what is colloquially known as the ‘the dark web.’ They do get the occasional law enforcement agent applying undercover, but with the RK’s resources and thorough background checks, it’s nearly impossible for them to get through.   Once one is a part of the Reifier Klamén, they are bound forever to it, as are any and all future offspring.  


Despite a few harsh practices, the Reifier Klamén are exceptionally accommodating for their members. If one is unhappy with some facet in their life, such as living arrangements, they can be relocated or have living partners rearranged. If there is interpersonal conflict that one is having trouble resolving, mediators can be found. For difficulty coping with all stages of life, or even death, highly trained therapists are available. For those genuinely unhappy with their birth sex, skillful reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments are done. The life of a Reifier Klamé is not one deprived of joy and pleasure, because without these things, malcontent would only spread and cause collapse from within.   There are breaks in schooling and training, lasting two weeks out of every three months. There is maternity leave for mothers-to-be, there is paternity leave so the father can be there, there is vacation time so members do not get burnt out, and so on.   Regarding love and marriage, it is broadly forbidden to take a partner outside of the organization, due to the troubles that may arise. However, such things have been known to happen, and in these cases, the external partner is forced into the organization, and typically assigned to the clergy. In some cases, they get assigned to the Blood and Bones branch. More rarely, if the partner shows promise for the bloodier side of things, they may be trained up as any fresh recruit. Marriage itself must be performed by a priest of Anak'shi within the organization, as doing it through any other means is seen as invalid.

Demography and Population

The Reifier Klamén are relatively small for a planet-wide international organization, numbering approximately four-hundred thousand. It sounds like a large number, until one considers the few billion non-Klamén both on and off the planet. They are stationed all over the world in bases dotted sparsely across each country, and have a small base in each of the twenty-three space colonies.   The average birth rate is approximately forty babies per thousand adult women per year. Average death rate is more difficult to determine, as each year is different from the last and is proportional to demon rift frequency. Most of the time, however, the birth rate is only slightly ahead of the death rate, if not equal, as all the training in the world does not avail a Klamé if a large enough demon outright decides to stomp on them, and rifts in recent times have been very frequent.


Schooling starts in earnest at age 6, but actually begins as soon as the child is able to comprehend and memorize basic shapes as having certain meanings. The child's parents will have taught them the alphabet and some numbers before the child begins school, and likely some very basic spelling and math depending on the child's own pace. Klaméling, and either Argent or Mandarin are taught side by side, depending on which part of the world one is raised, with the remaining language added at the age of eight.   Spelling, arithmetic, and measuring systems are taught first, picking up wherever the parents left off - there is a minimum level of pre-education parents are encouraged to teach, and classrooms are small enough that attending to each child's unique pace is more possible than in a standard public school.   Anatomy is introduced earlier to Klamén children than it is to those outside, starting in their first year of schooling instead of in their fourth. It is very simple at first, little more than learning of the names, locations, and simplified functions of the major organs and muscles. This is then expanded on as each child's ability to comprehend improves, and is one of the most rigorously studied and tested subjects - to aid with the ability to know what part of the body to strike to have the desired effect, whether to kill or to disable.   Geography is added to the curriculum in the second year, as is grammar, more complex math, patience, and long-term thinking. Children are rewarded for holding attention, but not punished if they get distracted - a child is naturally energetic enough that distraction will occur. So instead, they are encouraged as much as possible to find ways to focus on something for longer, often as a game of tell-and-recite - one person, often the teacher, starts but the children are encouraged to continue it, and says a piece of information that everyone else then repeats to the best of their ability. In a clockwise circle, the next one says a bit more information, which is then repeated. If one does not remember it well enough to repeat it, they're out. This continues until half the circle is 'out,' with everyone praised for their efforts.   This encourages short-term memory retention and an ability to fight one's own energy and distractions to pay close attention. Patience is also rewarded, as children are taught they get better treats the more they wait. These are qualities very heavily emphasized, to instill from the beginning what is needed to be successful on long assassination missions and to prevent premature strikes.   History begins in the third year, and other subjects continue at each child's pace of comprehension, with refreshers of old material every four to five months. A simplistic rundown of politics is taught so that each child at least understands the general overview, but that particular subject is otherwise left for adolescents. It is also at this point where they're taught critical thinking, though even before third year a calm and rational approach to problems is strongly encouraged and rewarded. The more calmly and rationally a child can present their case, the greater the reward even if they do not win their side of the argument - usually a treat - and it is always explained why their side of the argument did not win.   By encouraging desirable traits as much as possible with positive reinforcement, children of the Reifier Klamén are generally more behaved overall and also more calm. This is not to say that their children forget how to have fun, as for exercise outside of combat training, children are encouraged to be themselves and run around, with a few games and activities strongly encouraged.   One such game is Predator and Prey, where one child who is 'it' hides and stalks their classmates, who all pretend to be prey animals. If the one who is 'it' is seen, their classmate who spotted them runs off and the others follow suit, forcing the one who is 'it' to try again. If the one who is 'it' catches a classmate, that classmate is now 'it.' This encourages training of both stealth and awareness, and a child who tolerates being 'it' for a long period of time while still genuinely doing their best gets rewarded by the supervising teacher. Sometimes, the teacher will join in and even allow the children to get away or to catch them, as a means of encouragement and to improve morale.   Swimming and long-distance running are also encouraged, to develop endurance, while the simple game of dodgeball is encouraged to help develop agility and aim. Gymnastics begins at the age of 4, which is the optimal age to test for aptitude. Flexibility training and gymnastics are taught throughout childhood and adolescence, but the most serious training is reserved for those who show talent and passion for it, while those who do not are instead encouraged in whichever area they seem to be strongest in.   Aside from that, a lot of a child's subjects are quite similar to what is taught in public elementary, except with much more focus on tolerating what one doesn't like and encouraging one's strengths. Children are taught to not give up and encouraged to keep trying, and to find alternatives if one way of doing something doesn't seem to work out for them. In this way, each child's potential is nurtured as much as possible for later realization, and to build a foundation of steel - at around the age of 8, a child is taught how to deal with harsh words and raised voices, and how to remain calm and composed in the face of anger or apparent threat.   Children are taught about puberty and sex quite thoroughly at around the age of 10, with it explained to them that they should wait until they are adults - the why is also explained, that being because a growing adolescent body needs all the resources it can get, and pregnancy detracts from that. Exploratory sex is not quite forbidden, however, and contraceptives are provided in every bathroom that could possibly be visited by an adolescent, male or female. Use of contraceptives is very heavily encouraged, and adolescents who truthfully admit to consistently using them are praised for it.   Throughout every year a child is in school, they are taught to respect not just each other, but also themselves, and are involved in cleaning the school after class every day - teachers join the children in this, and it is used to help foster a sense of unity and to discourage unruly behaviours such as leaving gum stuck to the undersides of desks.   At the age of thirteen is when they're taught and tested on the written parts of how to drive and read road signs, and at fourteen is when they're given practical experience behind the wheel with qualified instructors. Adolescents are thoroughly tested on road safety, and even into adulthood a regular part of exams is road safety and what signs mean - this is to ensure that standards are upheld and that accidents are minimized. Trick driving is taught a little later, so that everyone knows what to do if the vehicle starts to go out of control in bad weather, or if they need to get fancy during a pursuit. Having also begun learning about piloting at the age of 5 and having some airtime in by the age of 8, they're allowed to solo fly their first craft at 15, and get their pilot license at 17.   In the latter years of schooling, adolescents are given some degree of control over what courses they focus on, so while they're given a fairly comprehensive study of the subjects such as chemistry, biology, psychology, and engineering, they're not forced to dedicate themselves to those subjects unless they show aptitude and passion for them. Instead, they're allowed to choose topics they're more interested in, or have better aptitude for, such as acting, visual or musical arts, or any of the other broad range of common schooling subjects.   At the age of 16, they graduate from primary schooling, and only need continue their studies if they're moving on to the Left Hand or Blood and Bones. Additional schooling is optional for those remaining in the Right Hand, if they wish to continue studying a certain topic or set of topics.


Each base consists of the essentials for comfortable living, such as plumbing, lighting, central heating/cooling units, etc. In addition, there is a cafeteria with an adjoined kitchen for the chefs, training halls, barracks, dormitories, gym, church, classrooms, offices, laboratories, testing rooms, advanced medical facilities, an armory, and sometimes a courtyard and gardens. Each base varies somewhat from another in layout, but they're practically self-contained miniature cities, typically with no more than one or two floors above ground, and the rest of the facilities and living areas underground, which stretch below as far as they need to.   Their spaceships are allowed to be far bigger than a single base, more often the size of three combined, and are entirely self-sufficient save for when they must dock to refuel. In addition to that listed prior, each ship has an extensive hydroponics system. It also has a deck dedicated to farming animals, and since these ships orbit the earth, it is easy to turn them to bring in enough sunlight for the plants and animals aboard. Despite this, meat is strictly rationed, which makes for a vegetable-heavy diet for the onboard Klamén.

Divine Origins

The religion itself predates the Reifier Klamén, though the organization formed not too long after word of Anak'shi became more widespread. The first prophet, Galamund, was a gentle soul who sought only to ease the passage of the dying and departed, and to soothe the pain of those left behind. Anak'shi's religion first began in southern Europe and spread rapidly from there, as the grieving and desperate are wont to latch on to any reassurance or ease they can find.   What helped give legitimacy to Anak'shi's existence is that his religion started independently in many locations, with the exact same tenets, which helped convince people that it might be more than just someone having had a freak dream one night. It was only a few years after Anak'shi's religion started that people far and wide began reporting dreams sent to them by the deity they prayed to, dreams that were too consistent to dismiss.   Today, Anak'shi is the only deity with any known credence for listening to his followers, though his influence seems to be very limited, with only especially talented individuals able to channel his voice.

Tenets of Faith

Anak'shi's religion has the following six tenets:   Do not slay those who are innocent.
Respect all life, no matter how great or small.
Do not waste life.
Do nothing to another being without their consent. (Albeit, this is somewhat relaxed within the organization, since their goal is to slay those who are corrupt, and you cannot gain consent to kill. They also practice the dreaded 'reconditioning,' which is sometimes done without consent.)
Do not assume corruption without due evidence.
Aid the less fortunate.   After Claíomh Solais takes over, an additional tenet is added:
Do not force others to follow the faith, or your views of the faith.


One of the main things observed is a clean death. In this case, meaning, death with a bladed weapon, which is seen as the purest form of killing when compared to other, messier alternatives such as firearms and arcana. Killing with a blade, bolt, or arrow should be done as quickly and painlessly as possible to ensure the cleanest death possible, although in the rare instance, a messy, painful death is preferred if the individual is particularly deserving of it.   Most ethics of the Raifier Klamé can be summed up as common sense, albeit with some exceptions for cases where something expedites or is necessitated by a mission. This includes such things such as 'do not steal,' 'do not slander,' and the usual list of 'do nots.' However, there is one in particular that is unique to the organization: The insistence that slaying with the blade is the only way to cleanly sever a soul from the body. At best, this belief is met with confusion by outsiders, and derision at worst.   Guns are not considered so much cowardly as they are 'unclean.' They do not necessarily slay as quickly unless one is a skilled marksman, and they leave debris in the body while impacting the soul in a less-than-desirable manner. A blade does neither thing if well-made and is easier to land an immediately fatal blow. That being said, pragmatism rules the day, and if a gun is the only weapon to hand, it will still be used if need be.   Other principles include respect where it is due, and to not judge or dismiss someone based on arbitrary factors such as ethnicity, gender, or similar aspects of an individual's makeup. The Reifier Klamén are nothing if not extremely fair, and words and deeds are the only things by which an individual should be judged. Nothing more, nothing less.   Reifier Klamén ideologies enforce ideas of loyalty to family and fellow believers, obeisance to superiors, and that every kill is to be an offering to their deity. Each kill is meaningful, and when one’s blade takes a life, the Klamé offers a silent prayer. It is for this reason the Reifier Klamén is a group of assassins, instead of a pure death cult of fanatics bent on bloodshed.   In line with the idea of obeisance, any who desire to leave the Reifier Klamén and make it known are subjected to harsh reconditioning practices, but they can be gentle about it if one comes forward and submits themselves to it. If one does succeed in leaving, they are hunted until killed. Very rarely do they spare the life of one who escapes, and when they do, it is to capture and return them. As incentive against leaving, the threat of total excommunication is enforced, which would bar the escaped member from ever communicating with their friends and family within the organization again.


Anak’shi scriptures teach that the blade is sacred, and holds that the ideal way of death is through the blade. It also teaches that senseless death is inherently wrong - murdering for the sake of murder is to be punished. Suicide is also discouraged; one cannot continue to serve if they are dead. For the same reason, retreating from a battle of uneven odds is not seen as cowardice.   Daily worship primarily takes the form of an hour or two of the day set aside for meditation and reflection upon Anak'shi's teachings. Depending on the day or what kind of mission one is on, more or less time may be allocated to this - usually, the variation is for less time, due to more immediate concerns taking precedence. It is encouraged, however, to meet boredom with this manner of meditation, to keep one's mind occupied by reinforcing one's understanding.   Church time is mandatory during active training, but outside of it is purely voluntary - it is understood that people can have lives outside of their religion and some individuals may burn out if forced to be too ardent. Sermons are daily for children and those in training, but for adults who are on recuperative leave or whom are on some manner of mission it is most commonly once every one to two weeks, sometimes less or more often depending on the individual. It is only the priesthood who live and breathe the religion, and even among them there is variance.   Children's sermons are trusted to priests who possess the capability to phrase things in a manner that keeps them engaged, as most children are naturally energetic and easily distracted, with little capacity for patience or long-term forethought. It is thus that the best priests for children also happen to possess the qualities that make good teachers, and it is quite frequently our priests who handle the more elementary aspects of a child's school education, hand-in-hand with religious instruction.   By and large, the influence of the religion is pervasive, but subtle in day-to-day life. Prayer outside of a fresh kill is left to the individual's discretion, and they are allowed to practice the faith in whatever way they see fit so long as it follows the tenets. The Reifier Klamé do not micromanage everyone's lives, for they are often too busy to spare the manpower and mental effort for something so unnecessary.   It is, however, quite common for those with deceased relatives to seek solace with the priesthood, and being able to pray to Anak'shi regarding the departed has eased many. It has even been known for some to receive dreams from Anak'shi reassuring them that their loved ones' souls are at peace, and overall, those within the Reifier Klamén are more able to handle grief and do not suffer it for as long as those who have never known Anak'shi's gentle reassurances.


The Ranks of the Left Hand
The Left Hand of Anak’shi:   1. Novice: Svíagris
A member of the Reifier Klamén who has chosen a more peaceful path in life is sent to the Left Hand. Here, they begin to learn more of Anak’shi’s teachings. This rank was named after a prized ring in Norse mythology, which was used to bait an enemy into showing weakness. Children born into the R.K. enter this rank at the age of 8 if they do not move on to the Right Hand.   2. Initiate: Dispelor
Having proven themselves knowledgeable enough about their patron deity and their organization, the Svíagris becomes a Dispelor, a rank named after a ring that can banish any enchantment. Depending on whether the member is a psychic, arcanist, both, or a blunt, they are accordingly trained on how to actually dispel illusions and enchantments. The time it takes to earn this rank varies widely with individuals, but on average it takes five-to-six years.   3. Layperson: Andvaranaut
Being the most numerous by far, and named after a ring which created gold, an Andvaranaut’s job is to go out into the world and find employment for the purpose of sending money back to the organization. They possess a stable job, usually a high-paying one relying on some sort of skilled labor, but some opt for manual labor. They may also work to procure contracts for the Right Hand members to carry out.   4. Deacon: Brisingamen
Named after a necklace worn by a goddess, Brisingamen are valued members of the clergy. It takes ten years as a layperson supporting the organization, and passing a religious text-centered exam, to obtain this rank. They are often appointed to assist the priests, and lead Mass in prayer and hymns. Many are also teachers in the schools of the Reifier Klamén.   5. Priest: Gyges
Named after a mythical ring said to grant invisibility to its wearer, the Gyges are not only priests but also frequently support members of cells. They are taught how to use technology and their own innate talents to guard themselves and allies from various methods of detection. It takes ten years as a competent Deacon to reach this position, and duties include performing Sacraments, marriages, and sermons.   6. Sub-prior: Angelor
Third in command of a church in a given base, the Angelor only gains this title by being selected as an apprentice by the local Angelicor after an additional five or more years of service spent as a Gyges. They begin to learn the skills and lessons that will let them become an Angelicor, which generally takes anywhere from three to ten years. Like Brisingamen, they are frequently also teachers in the schools.   7. Prior: Angelicor
Second in command of a church in a given base, the Angelicor is named after a ring that rendered its wearer immune to all enchantments and could also bestow invisibility. This rank is taught not only how to help run the church, but also how to use their innate skills to counter arcana and psionics, and to avoid detection where needs must. An Angelicor is sometimes sent out into the field with a cell to provide support, acting like a higher-ranked, more skilled Gyges.   8. Abbot/Abbess: Solomon
The Seal of Solomon was said to be a ring that could imprison demons, and that is in fact a skill that the Solomon will learn, in addition to being able to banish demons. It takes fifteen years as an Angelicor to earn this rank, at which point they are assigned to a church in need of a new leader. If no churches happen to need a new leader, the Solomon is instead sent out to aid cells who deal with demon outbreaks and rifts.   9. Hegumen: Yasakani
The Yasakani rank is attainable after fifteen more years of service as an Angelicor. Named after a necklace of magatamas, it represents benevolence. So, the Yasakani must at all times display the holy benevolence of Anak’shi, within and without themselves, while maintaining all previous duties and ensuring the proper running of all churches in their given region within a country. They travel often to see that each church is up to standards.   10. Archimandrite/rate: Nibelungor
The rank that the Yasakani and Solomon both report to, the Nibelungor is the grand overseer of all Anak’shi’s churches in a given region, usually given no more than two countries to supervise. They travel frequently, doing whatever major services need done, and often choose whether someone should rank up sooner than normal. The Nibelungor may attain this rank after fifteen years of service as a Yasakani, and the rank-up must be decided by a favorable majority vote of other Nibelungor in the world.

Political Influence & Intrigue

"Politics within the Reifier Klamén is very tight-lipped when you go higher. Unlike national politicians, no one even close to an assassin rank cares to espouse his or her particular desires more than absolutely necessary, a sharp contrast to the soapboxing of career politicians."
— Luxifer Brandr
  The Reifier Klamén has a larger influence on the world than most would be willing to believe. Certainly, they remove the corrupt from the world by means of bloodshed, but where death would attract too much of the wrong attention, a subtler hand is needed. Middle-to-high ranking Klamén are sent on political missions with the goal of infiltrating their way through the social elite. There, they plant insidious rumors about political candidates who would abuse their power, or maneuver those close to the target into positions of vulnerability where they might be blackmailed or manipulated for further use down the line. Whatever it takes to keep the target from gaining power. Rigging elections is also not out of their range of capabilities, and they will sometimes involve themselves that deeply if it means putting someone "pure" into a position of power.   However it is done, the Reifier Klamén help the world work towards betterment as a whole, simply because they want to keep the corrupt from rising to power whenever they can be rooted out.

In Death, Purity

Founding Date
20115 N.T.
Secret, Military
Alternative Names
The Reapers, Anak'shi's Hand, Death's Hands
Training Level
Reaper(s), Blade(s)/Klamé(n)
Official Languages

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel
Character flag image: Reifier Klamén Sigil by Sehanbrel