Greed Grave Mountain Geographic Location in Etheriel | World Anvil

Greed Grave Mountain


It is a mountain range with several cave entries that have collapsed due to unknown reasons. The entries appear to have been led to homes of some sort of sapient creatures as there are remainders of household items like broken bowls and plant pots not far from them. It seems that some artificial paths and streets led through the mountain range from entry to entry, but this is only an assumption from people visiting that place.   Today the area is rough, overgrown, and almost impassable as nature reclaims the place.

Localized Phenomena

The soil of this mountain range seems to be exceptionally fertile even though there isn't any visible water source nearby as there are a plethora of plant species settled. None of the plants cut the nutrients from one another. There are even plant species grown side by side that generally wouldn't be able to survive if they get planted in that constellation elsewhere.

Natural Resources

It is said that there are metals and gems of multiple sorts within the stone deep within the mountain, but no one dares to mine those resources due to the widespread myth of the lost mountain folk.   Apart from the mineral resources, there are several plants available that have overgrown parts of the mountain over time. These plants are of natural or magical origin, with unique properties. Some are cultivated after their discovery in different parts of the world. An example for such a plant is the whisper bush which branches are used to craft whisper brushes.


It is said that this area was home to long-lost mountain folk. Today the only visible remnants of that folk are the collapsed entries that caused the people to weave myths and legends around it. The mountain acts as a memorial to hopefully prevent people from falling into greed for treasures.
Alternative Name(s)
Greed Grave
Mountain Range
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