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Eternia has several races of creatures. The most common ones are Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling (known as hobbits in Eternia) Half-Orc, Human, Tiefling. There are several other rare races. They are:    Changeling: A changeling can shift its face and form with a thought. Many changelings use this gift as a form of artistic and emotional expression, but it’s an invaluable tool for grifters, spies, and others who wish to deceive. This leads many people to treat known changelings with fear and suspicion.    Kalashtar: The kalashtar are a compound race created from the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the planes of dreams called quori. They are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others. But they have an unmistakable alien quality as they are haunted by the conflicts of their otherworldly spirits.    Shifter: Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched, as many believe that they are the descendants of humans and lycanthropes. They are humanoids with a bestial aspect; while they cannot fully change shape, they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features – a state they call shifting. Whatever their origins, shifters have evolved into a unique race. A shifter walks on the knife’s edge between the wilds and the world around them.    Warforged: The warforged were built to fight in the Last War. The first warforged were mindless automatons, but House Cannith devoted vast resources to improving these steel soldiers. An unexpected breakthrough produced fully sentient soldiers, blending organic and inorganic materials. Warforged are made from wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion. Built as weapons, they must now find a purpose beyond the war. A warforged can be a steadfast ally, a cold-hearted killing machine, or a visionary in search of purpose and meaning.    Aarakocra: Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the aarakocra evoke fear and wonder. Many of these birdfolk hail from the boundless vistas of the Elemental Plane of Air. They are immigrants, refugees, scouts, and explorers, their outposts functioning as footholds in a world both strange and alien.    Genasi: Those who think of other planes at all consider them remote, distant realms, but planar influence can be felt throughout the world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, through an accident of birth, carry the power of the planes in their blood. The genasi are one such people, the offspring of genies and mortals.    Goliath: At the highest mountain peaks dwell the reclusive goliaths, wandering a bleak realm of rock, wind, and cold. Their bodies look as if they are carved from mountain stone and give them great physical power. Their hearts are infused with the cold regard of their frigid realm, leaving each goliath with the responsibility to earn a place in the tribe or die trying.    Centaur: Centaurs nevertheless retain a love of wide spaces and the freedom to travel. As much as they can, centaurs run in wide plazas, spacious parks, and expanses of rubble and ruin. They race the wind, hooves thundering and tails streaming behind them until the next wall looms in their path and brings them to a stop.    Loxodon: The humanoid elephants called loxodons are often oases of calm in the busy streets of Eternia. They hum or chant in sonorous tones and move slowly or sit in perfect stillness. If provoked to action, loxodons are true terrors- bellowing with rage, trumpeting, and flapping their ears. Their serene wisdom, fierce loyalty, and unwavering conviction are tremendous assets to their guilds.    Minotaur: The minotaurs of Eternia are strong in body. dedication, and courage. They are at home on the battlefield, willing to fight for their various causes. They combine a burning fury in battle with keen tactics that make them excellent commanders as well as valuable shock troops.    Simic Hybrid: The Simic Combine uses magic to fuse different life forms together. In recent years, the Simic Combine has extended this research to humanoid subjects, magically transferring the traits of various animals into humans, elves, and vedalken. The goal of the Guardian Project is to build a Simic army of soldiers perfectly adapted to a variety of combat situations. These hyper-evolved specimens are called Simic hybrids, though they sometimes refer to themselves as guardians.    Vedalken: Nothing is perfect. Vedalken not only believe this fact, but they also rejoice in it. Every imperfection is a chance for improvement, and progress is an endless march toward a state of perfection that can never be reached. This viewpoint leads vedalken to pursue their work with delighted enthusiasm, never deterred by setbacks and excited by every opportunity for improvement. Vedalken are tall and slender, standing almost a head taller than humans on average but weighing about the same. Their hairless skin comes in a range of shades of blue. Their eyes are darker shades of blue or violet. They lack external ears, their noses are broad and fiat and they are partially amphibious.    Merfolk: The River Heralds are merfolk—a race of amphibious humanoids at home throughout the oceans, rivers, and rain forests of Ixalan. They stand between seven and eight feet tall, with skin that ranges from deep burgundy through many shades of violet and blue, to green, bright orange, and yellow. They are humanlike in shape, but have long fins extending from their shoulders, forearms, middle backs, and calves. Frills of fins also protrude from the backs of their heads. All merfolk can breathe air or filter oxygen from the water, and they can walk on land or swim with equal ease.    Naga: Nagas resemble enormous snakes with shoulders, arms, and a torso that resembles a humanoid form. They typically hold their heads and torsos off the ground while moving, but they can increase their speed by lowering their bodies and using their hands for extra propulsion. They adorn their torsos with armour, jewellery, and a vague nod toward the clothing worn by other races. Male naga have broad hoods, wider than their shoulders, while females have narrower hoods and longer faces. Many naga believe in a principle called the Sweetest Harmony, which describes a perfect balance between the body and the mind. Finding that balance, as they understand it, is a sure path to glory, since a combination of physical and mental preparation will ensure success in every trial life holds. Mental strength supports physical capabilities, and physical fortitude feeds mental tenacity, so neither mind nor body can exist in isolation. But in practice, as much as they strive for balance and harmony, most naga identify more strongly with one trait than the other.    Siren: Sirens are at home along the waters of the Stormwreck Sea. They settle on rocky coasts and remote islands, and even on floating piles of kelp. Sirens are mercurial creatures who can turn in an instant from lonely to repulsed, from desirous to hateful, from welcoming to irritated, from loving too murderous—and then back again. They are fascinated with ships and enjoy toying with them. One siren might call out to a passing crew for company, only to capriciously draw the ship into an entangling mass of kelp. Another might lure a vessel onto jagged rocks so as to study the wreckage and learn more about the strange contraption. But as the number of Brazen Coalition ships passing through siren-controlled waters has increased over the years, a growing number of sirens have decided to satisfy their curiosity by taking positions on ship crews—including, in at least one case, the position of captain.    Aasimar: Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. They are descended from humans with a touch of the power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm of many lawful good deities. Aasimar are born to serve as champions of the gods, their births hailed as blessed events. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage. An aasimar, except for one who has turned to evil, has a link to an angelic being. That being – usually a deva – provides guidance to the aasimar, though this connection functions only in dreams. As such, the guidance is not a direct command or a simple spoken word. Instead, the aasimar receives visions, prophecies, and feelings.    Kenku: Haunted by an ancient crime that robbed them of their wings, the flightless kenku wander the world as vagabonds and burglars who live at the edge of human society. Kenku suffer from a sinister reputation that is not wholly unearned, but they can prove to be valuable allies.    Kobold: Kobolds are often dismissed as cowardly, foolish, and weak, but these little reptilian creatures actually have a strong social structure that stresses devotion to the tribe, are clever with their hands, and viciously work together in order to overcome their physical limitations.    Tabaxi: Hailing from a strange and distant land, wandering tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world's wonders. Ultimate travellers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.    Yuan-ti Pureblood: The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snakelike are the leaders and the most humanlike are spies and agents in foreign lands.    Goblin: Goblins occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world, and they react by lashing out at any creatures they believe they can bully. Cunning in battle and cruel in victory, goblins are fawning and servile in defeat.   There are various classes in Eternia. They are Barbarian(path of berserker, path of totem warrior), Bard (college of lore, college of valour), Cleric(knowledge domain, life domain, death domain, light domain, nature domain, tempest domain, trickery domain, war domain) , Druid( circle of the land, circle of the moon), Fighter( champion, battlemaster, eldritch knight) , Monk(way of the open hand, way of shadows, way of the four elements) , Paladin (oathbreaker, oath of devotion, oath of the ancients, oath of vengeance), Ranger(hunter, beastmaster), Rogue(thief, assassin, arcane trickster), Sorcerer(draconic bloodline, wild magic), Warlock(arch fey, fiend, the great old one ) and Wizard(school of abjuration, school of conjuration, school of divination, school of enchantment, school of evocation, school of illusion, school of necromancy, school of transmutation).

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