Host of Ithril Myth in Eternia | World Anvil
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Host of Ithril

Hunters of ages long gone

Don't go in any forest during a full moon, and if you do be as quiet as possible. If the air gets cold, hide and pray. But if you hear the wind blow, then you're already dead.
Arracian Forest Guard

Spectral hunters

There's a legend around in Arracun, about a terrible fate awaiting the fools wandering in forests. A strange hunting party, made from the ghosts of deceased wood elf hunters, roaming around hunting an unknown prey through the trees. They seem to always change places, and they catch all of those they find. None knows what happens to those unfortunate souls, only that they are never seen again.

However, the Arracians aren't the only ones aware of this. The wood elves, especially those in the Great Forest, seem to know a lot about them, and there are rumors that they talk to the hunters. What they say to each other is a mystery, as the few ones having witnessed this and survived couldn't understand a thing. This sparked many other legends and rumors, some not very nice to the denizens of the forest.

Eternal Hunt

The main story behind this myth is as follows: A wood elf elder named Ithril one day decided to hunt a powerful beast. The details on the beast are varied, but they all describe a hound of flames and smoke. He took his best spears, his best hunting dogs, and mounted his best steed, accompanied by other fellow hunters. He rode for three days chasing the beast, but didn't get close to the elusive monster. Enraged at his failure, he swore an oath to Sylva that he would not rest until he finds and kills the beast. Now a restless spirit, his hunt continues, and shall do so until the end of times.

However, the thing making it the most terrifying isn't the strange sounds in the night or the disappearances of unlucky souls. It's that they always bring a powerful monster with them. Sometimes it's werewolves or packs of ravenous ghouls, but even those calamities are considered lucky. The night can be filled with a furious wind, screeching and banging on windows with rage. People can get snatched by dark beasts of hell forming portals out of nowhere, and entire villages can be found as smoldering ruins, their inhabitants reduced to ashes by the beast of legend.


When asked about the ghost, the wood elves don't give very straight or convincing answers, creating more mistrust between humans and elves. Some say that the ghost has been created by the wood elves in an attempt to scare humans away, due to the mysterious disappearances of anyone going in the forest. Some attacks have happened because of this.


Ithril, while a mysterious figure, really existed. A wood elf elder, he was respected among the wood elf clans and was a powerful druid. One day, just like in the legend, a massive monster appeared and tried to destroy the grove of his clan. Furious at the ravages wrought, he unleashed the fury of nature, heavily wounding it and making it run away. But that didn't kill it, just exiled it and made it angrier.

He did swear an oath to Sylva to defeat the beast, and his decision to embark on the quest was accepted with respect by the members of his tribes. His pursuit of the beast takes him to various forests as they dance an intricate ballet between two predators. Sadly, many people can get in the crossfire, which is why going out during windy nights is ill-advised. Worse still for the reputation of the clans, he asked that no one talk of this until he defeats the beast.

However, the beast is an expert at hiding its traces and making diversions. It sometimes drives other monsters to Ithril to distract him, that is when it's not leading him to the lair of a monster. This is why villages are sometimes attacked by monsters.


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