The United Houses of Eorsta Organization in Estarion | World Anvil
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The United Houses of Eorsta

Eorsta is the largest nation in Estarion both in terms of it's size and power. Built upon the mineral-rich "Mutherlun" Continet (known as the Eorstan continent in modern terms), Eorsta is one of the least tradition-based nations within the world. Instead built upon it's more diverse origins and cultures, with a focus on building strength and power through unity and sharing what is won. Eorsta is the most prosperous nation with the lowest poverty rates of any nation and the lowest living-quality gap between working and merchant class, however it also holds the largest gap between the merchant and noble class.   An Elective Monarchy by it's nature, it is considered more fair to name Eorsta as a "Noble Feudal" system. The way this works is that a worker works on his land and sells his crop to a merchant, only to buy more supplies and food from that same merchant. These merchants then give some of their wares and goods to their Nobles. These nobles then must grant their taxes and tithes to their House. The House-system is a system not adapted in the rest of the world. While the continet has Houses or Noble Families, their power is only tax or land-based. Eorsta's system is unique and powerful, ensuring the succession of power and causing it to grow in strength as time has passed.  

The Houses of Eorsta

Greater Houses

House Regalis - Not an actual house, but instead a term for the Crown. Since the War of the Houses, When elected, a King swears fealty only to himself and to the Mother. He is stripped of any landings or titles within any other house and is given his own House to be named for him. Each King chooses a House name and is granted an estate for the House to be based in. Their children may remain part of the former House they were a member of, even if born to the King while he is a member of this House.   House Cyprata - The oldest House in Eorsta. Established by Isslebik when he became King, Cyprata holds major lands across Eorsta, incuding Port Greystal, Kra'ye and Lonsz. They are a naval-based house, with the largest navy in Eorsta. They rely on foreign trade to support their lavish lifestyles and economy.   House Jerris - Jerris are an old and superstitous House, who were established as the first expansion House in 2AC. They see themselves as the true inheritors of Borell due to their first ruler being a child of the last king of Ollin before the Collapse. They believe the Ollinian Culture should be preserved and are distrusting of continental people and exotic races. They are the largest producers of Gold and Minerals thanks to holding protectorate over the Mining Houses of the North.   House Dessa - Dessa are a collection of smaller houses that united to form a House-Council. These Houses would have little to no say or sway in Council despite their incredible control and significance, and so instead united to earn back control in the Houses. Their importance is because Dessa are the Trade-League Houses of Lile, Dos and Cyr, aswell as House Aosterin, who are important for their control of the Daskian Dunes, and House Illa, who have served as King's Advisors since 40AC, and are currently the King's Spellmasters.   House Aeor - The incumbent ruling house. Assin was the first non-Cypratan ruler, and propelled House Aeor into incredible power and control. Aeor are considered by many to be true successors to greatness, with them and Elis being the ones to lead the War of the Houses. Aeor remain the only House openly in support of Slavery, although their current Lord Illis has made it clear he is personally opposed to the idea. Illis married Lady Aya of House Jerris in the hope of uniting their houses.   House Elis - Also naval-based due to their position upon multiple islands, Elis is founded around Mount Elstor. They are superstitious and heavily religious supports of the Quzik'ba Pantheon, a form of the Estarion Pantheon which worships Quzik above all. They are trade-based, but are prefer to feed themselves, with most Elisians living off fish-based diets. While they lead the War of the Houses, their house as fallen more and more into obscurity. Most do not consider it a Great House beyond it's title.   House Cell'in - Ascended in the later years of Lord Assin, Cell'in are the dwarven representitives of the Council. Controlling only two lands - this being Bar'nel and As'bach - they are extremely week, but are elevated to this power by their incredible advancements in technology. They serve as the purveyors of this same knowledge to the rest of Eorsta, and act as a link to Sidegia (who most Houses dislike.)   House Parrith - Parrith recieved their title of Great House when King Histari promoted them during the War of the Houses without House permission due to the ongoing war. Their elevation gave them access to more troops to help the King's side. After the war, a vote was held to determine if they could keep their title. Assin called off this vote, seeing Parrith as a useful asset due to it's advanced understanding of Magicka.


Eorsta is lead by it's Elected King and the Council of Houses. The King is elected upon the death of the former king, wherein a year-long election takes place amongst the Houses. During this time, a Regent is put in place who is either a senior of the Council or a living relative of the former king. Once elected, the King of Eorsta has near total control over the Crownlands and the Armies. He also has control over the tithes and churches, and gets 10 votes in the council.   Great Houses are given 5 votes, Lesser Houses 2 votes and Minor Houses/Baronys/Towns are granted 1 vote only if they are recognized by the Crown. The Crown can elevate a House, but only if the other Houses agree to the ascension, and there can be no more than 6 Great Houses at once.


Eorsta is a very multicultural nation. There are different areas and different races all throughout Eorsta, although the ruling and nobility class remain mostly elven and human. The most prominant culture is the Bellorian Culture, known now more as the Eorstan Culture, known for a more open-minded belief in others and a devout belief in religion. Other prominent cultures include the Olliners, who base their culture on the Ollinian Nation that existed before the collapse. Based around the Daskian Dunes, they are known for being isolationist and more tribal in how they rule, and are often noted for not believing in Gender as strongly as other cultures.

Public Agenda

Eorsta presents themselves as a nation of peace. As a reforge nation after the Collapse, Eorsta does not hold the same superstitons as other nations. While Slavery was legalized for a long amount of time, most of the current candidates for Kingship promise to abolish it completely or partially. Only the Elstorian Candidate has not done so, but he does agree to the ending of Slave Breeding and Slave Capturing, but disagreed with allowing freedom of current slaves. Most of this discussion sparked from the FOTDU Act passed in 310AC. The FOTDU, or the "Freedom of the Dwarves Ultimatium Act" was in response to the capture of Bar'nel by Dwarven Rebels. They completely occupied and overtook the city, establishing a new house in the process. This lead to the former king abolishing Dwarven Slavery and recognizing the House as a Lesser House.


Eorsta holds a population of 23million men, allowing a total army of nearly 2 million men. Their standing army usually remains at around 600,000 men, making it the largest standing empire within Estarion. Their military technology is not as advanced as nations such as Sidegia, but Eorsta's high-weave lands mean it is able to have more advanced divisions than any other nation, most notable from the insanely high amount of mages within the army


The Forging

Founded from the remains of the Kingdoms of Bellor, Eorsta was founded by King Isslebik the Chosen, who also forged House Cyprata. His brother Nashin formed House Aoer, with the other founding house being House Elis. These three houses began a plan of explanding and settling in the now mostly wildlands of the new continent, named Eorsta, with a policy that each 4 years the houses would convene to form new Houses and grant land to Nobles. This 40 year settlement period under Isslebik is known as "The Forging of Eorsta" Period. By the end of the Forging, all of the Eorstan Continent was owned by Eorsta themselves. It was split into 8 houses, with Lesser Houses and Baronies paying tithe and being a protectorate of the Great House who's land they were in. This remains in some places today, but many Lesser Houses are now independant nations.  

Reclaimation of Borell

As Isslebik was now in his 70s by 46AC, he was being supported by Mages and magicks to keep him alive. The king, however, refused to accept that his age limited him. To prove his spry young age, King Isslebik signed a Treaty with Draheel called the "Reclaimation Act" where the two sides would work to reclaim Borell. Borell was the Home of the Dragonkin, ancient descendants of the long-dead Dragonkind, forged by Tharatos and Alac. They had fled to Borell after the Collapse, using Alac's Capital of Karshtonell as a mighty fort to solidify themselves.   Dra'hell and Eorsta agreed to split Borell. Eorsta would take the very valuable Eastern Coast, which would open better trade between them and the continent - meaning they did not need to use the Exotilands of Fost to trade. Dra'hell would reclaim the lost sity of As'hin'cor and would capture both Ent'alac and Karshtonell, citing the desire to "perserve the history of a war that must not be forgotten." The rest of Borell would be Exotilands, like Fost. Unclaimed and treated as a dearmament zone which neither nation would expand into.   With a major power and a growing military power fighting against them, The Nation of Dra'gel fell quickly. The war lasted only 18 months, with the Dragonkin being all but erradicated from Borell and, by extention, all of Estarion. The only remenants of their kind live on in Balgaren and as rare races in the continent. This war not only forged new lands for Eorsta, but a new ally. Eorsta and Dra'hell are considered to be "L'norenza du Duparte" of Eorsta, Elven for "The Two of One Kind." An unseperable alliance that continues even today.  

The First Election

Eorsta's first election came in 50AC upon the Death of King Isslebik. This fact is disputable, with many records suggesting Isslebik died in 47AC, still heirless, and as such the council ruled for 3 years before instituting the Elective Monarchy. To this day, this claim is considered slander by the Great Houses. However, due to Isslebik's popularity within the Great Houses and the Former-King's House holding 15 votes (at the time) in electing a king compared to the other houses 5, and the inability of smaller houses to vote, Cyprata was relected again, now with LordKing Malbarith, Isslebik's Nephew (recognized as his successor in his will) and famed conquerer.  

The Traros War & The Exiled King

Malbarith showed his conquerer's passion when he, in 53AC, declared war upon the Exotilands of Traros. Malbrith claimed it to be a "Cleansing of Tribal Heresy in a dangerous land" and saw the fact that Eorsta's Eastern-Coast Trade had to pass through their lands (due to their capture of Bry'at's most eastern trade port). Malbarith expected the war to be an easy success for him, ending in a decisive victory that would establish Eorsta's first lands on the continet - lands they could expand from, hoping to capture Sidegia's lands - only to learn that fighting a war against an established army with a smaller force in dangerous, unfamiliar territory did not work, even if your army had more mages.   When Sidegia joined the war in 55AC and declared Traros a Freeland rather than Exotiland, the King's claim to war was now invalid in the eyes of the Estarion Councilhead and was therefore not recognized by the Estarion Church. Unable to use Church Tithes to fund the war, the King signed a peace with Traros. It was not a total defeat, as while he could not take any land, he did sign terms that would mean Traros had to "prove their civility" and prove they were civilized by establishing a monarchy.   The failure in this war was not taken well in Eorsta. Elstor and Aeor continued to back the king, but all other houses - including some in his own house - demanded his removal for "War Mongering" as he had declared the war without passing a vote through the Houses - and the War Tithes he had demanded throughout the war lead to a drought and famine accused of killing nearly 42,000 Eorstans. In 58AC, the vote was called by Isslebik's wife, Carline. The vote was 35/25 and he was removed from power. After the election of his peace-loving KidBrother Jelinik, he was exiled to Fost. He died in 112AC as a Monk in an Estarion Pantheon church in Allanria.  

The Golden Age

Jelinik was elected by chance. That chance being he was House Cyprata and he was the only eligable candidate from that House. He had a close victory of the Aeorian Candidate, and was elected in 58AC. Jelinik was 15 when he was elected, and would die at the age of 132. These 117 years are considered to be the greatest years in Eorstan History. Under his reign, Eorsta was renamed to the "United Houses of Eorsta" and the council was given more control over their own lands. He also refined the Right of Kings to resitrict his own rights, just to prevent further tyranny like his brother ruled with. He would centralize Eorstan currency to instead be minted within Eorsta itself, rather than rely on Imperial Currency from the Continent. He then proceeded to establish true peace with the Continent.   He, in fact, removed the treaty his brother forced on Traros. He was an early-believer in the "Culturus Maxius" theorum that spread wildly across the continent about 100 years later which was - in essence - "each culture to it's own, but we should not be afraid to share it, if others will accept." He instead requested Traros be a protectorate to counteract the fast expansion of Sidegia, who at this time owned all of the East of the Allanrian Coast, and still held some of their BirthMountains. He tried to get the same rights passed for Fost and Borell, but Borell was too sparse and unpopulated, and the diversity of culture in Fost was too dangerous to even protect. And the importance of the Life Tree meant it was best to leave it alone.   By the middle of his reign, Jelinik had established the Academus Partrate Act - the act of the academies. This created the Oberhall Academy, whose construction was funded by his Crownland Treasury, the Daskian Academia and the Jerillixian Schools of Magi in the Northern Cities. He also funded the Holy Order of the Tes, although it's construction was not finished until his death. He, however, was not a believer in Artifice, the new invention of Sidegia. It is how they were conquering so quick in the Continent. He instead believed it should be banned, and allowed only magical studies.   By his death, Eorsta was not just a power, it was a great power. He set the stepping stones Eorsta would continue to follow into becoming the dominant power in Estarion. Harvestfest in Oberhall is renamed to Jelinik's Feast, as the day was also the date of his coronation and wedding (1 year apart from eachother.)  

The Great Continental Incursions

While Eorsta would never again declare war on the continent or try to take land, it's massive armies were going to waste. In 176AC, the new King Oronel of House Cyprata was worried. His armies seemed unprepared and untrained in warfare. If Eorsta were to be attacked, it would be weak. Oronel believed Eorsta's two greatest defenses were it's spirit and it's navy. It's position as a completely-controlled Island meant it was easily defendable, but trade routes could be easily plundered during war. But the third most important factor was the army. Deciding the army was unfit for service, Oronel figured out a way to change that.   From 176AC to 228AC, Eorsta would be involved in 6 different wars upon the continent to varying degrees of involvement, each designed to train their soldiers and keep them well-trained. While some argued this was only a negative - and that Eorsta's armies would die or troops would be damaged that could be used on defense, these incursions are largely considered a success. Eorstan Troops were top-of-the-line by 215AC. And they would need to be. In the continent, war was brewing. Bry'at and Cheria were disunited over issues with religion. Turah was still the recognized religion in Bry'at, but Cheria had switched to the Estarion Pantheon. Fearing the death of their culture, and annoyed by constant border disputes and raids, Bry'at declared war. This would seem at first to hold no consequence to Eorsta. But that would change Eorstan History. While the war began in 168AC, by 210AC it was a bloody and complete mess. Millions were dying and constant famine and drought were killing innocents. No nations wanted to be involved, until Allanria announced it supported Cheria's claims of spreading the Mother's word.   In a surprise to Allanria, two months later, on the first day of 211AC, Eorsta and Dra'hell announced they would support Bry'at's claims. Oronel claimed he was "continuing Eorstan work in preserving culture" by protecting the religion and allowing it's worship in Eorsta. This was a massively positive move, and was praised by all within the nation. What none could expect was that Eorsta would not back down when Allanrian pressure came in.   In 215AC, Eorsta and Allanria joined the war on opposite sides, and the blood got even worse. Between 168AC and 215AC, there had been 8million casualties. But in the final 13 years of the war, 215AC to 228AC, there were 9million casualties. And 1 casualty would change it all, when in 227AC, King Orolan died in battle. Eorsta agreed terms with Allanria and pulled out of the war, before both sides worked with Bry'at and Cheria to sign the Unification Act in 228AC. Eorsta had no king. And that's when it all changed.  

War of the Houses

In 229AC, King Histari was elected from House Cyprata. Only 1 week later, Lord Elis learned of a letter between Cyprata and Jerris, stating that "due to the uncertainties of war, we must not let Election stand in our way of fixing our forces before we are attacked." The two houses agreed that they would both vote for Histari. This was not surprising, as Cyprata won every election... but then the Houses learned that only Cyprata and Jarris had voted for Histari. He won by 5 votes still, due to Cyprata's dominance over the votes. The re-electing house got 3x the votes of all of houses, and due to there only being 8 other Houses, Cyprata only needed 1 other house to vote for them to win an election.   This usually was fine, as Cyprata usually won by at least 10 or 15 votes. But it was a tie. Histari was elected due to winning a tie thanks to being the previous elected House. All these favours to Cyprata were too much for the Houses to handle. They were not Elective at all, they had just been a Monarchy all along. This was too much to bear. Lord Del called Lord assin and his son Illas of House Aeor to his halls to share the news. 2 days later, 7 houses (Aeor, Elis, Oritoa, Illis, Dos, Aosterin and Lile (Bold being Greater House)) had met to discuss important news. Together, they formed the Lords of Alliegence, with Commander Del taking control due to his victories in the Tribal War.   On the 2nd of Moshen 229AC, Commander Del and the Lords of Alliegence presented an ultimatium to the King. They demanded: Depose the System to ensure all Greater Houses got equal votes, and grant votes to lesser and rexognized houses. Cheers rocked the table, before King Histari simply responded: "I will not change tradition for the ramblings and bluffs of a fool." Lord Assin responded immediately. He did not let the King add another word before he declared war. And until the entire table had. The rules of Council declared there would be no fighting there, and so the King allowed them to return to their nations. And to prepare for war. House Jerris, Dilmak and Parrith all honoured the King's request to arms.   The War of the Houses is expanded on in greater detail here (TBD), but it is considered a defining moment in Eorstan history. The King had lost. At Port Isk on the 19th of Forspren 231AC, the Treaty of Port Isk was signed by the Lords of Alliegence and King Histari. While Lord Assin had died during the war, his name would go on in history forever as "Assin the Protector" and remains Lord Aeor's most honoured noble. His son, Illas, signed the treaty in his stead, while his brother took his father's titles. The Lords of Allegiance not only imposed their original demands, but demanded that - due to having to go to war to get their orders met - they also added that Oberall, the capital, is to be divided. The King would keep his total Crowland, but all Great Houses would get an equal share of Oberhall.  

The Silver Age

While not as prosperous or famous as Eorsta's Golden Age, the Treaty of Port Isk lead to the continued Growth of Eorsta's power. In 232AC, following Histari's abdication, Lord Assin was voted King unanimously for his valiance in fighting in the war, and for legacy in rememberance of his father. Assin was the first non-Cypratan ruler to take control, and no Cypratan had ruled since, although the House keeps its mighty power even to this day.   Assin ruled from 232AC to 314AC, making him the second longest reign. Assin was also the first non-human (and currently only) non-human to rule Eorsta, as he was a Half-Elf. He died quite young for his race, leaving many to believe his death was an assassination, but Assin was known to be sickly all his life. His brother, the human Lord Alles described him during the war as:   "Truly a marvel. The kid, in only his 20th year, slew 36 men in battle without a scratch. But he then retreated and came to me, covered in his own blood. He was vomiting blood for the rest of the day due to his illness. He laughed with me once the war was over. 'Look, Brother. No soldier e'er sliced me or harmed me, but I was damn good at hurting myself.'"   Assin's rule is noted for being "The Silver Age" due to it's similarities with the Golden Age. Massive trade deals were signed with the continent, mining was improved, the abolishment of slavery began with the FOTDUA being signed, Lesser Houses were promoted to be Greater Houses and those who had lost power were removed from their place. Assin was instrumental in establishing House Dessa, allowing for many Lesser Houses to unite. He then elevated this Houses' status to ensure more votes were given to these lesser houses. His most notable use was changing the country's minds about Artificing. After Bar'nel's independance, Assin ensured the Dwarven Forge be opened once more, and that a school for Artificing be established. Assin is lived on by his three children. His eldest and successor, Illas, who ruled Aeor since 290AC after Alles' death. Aelor, named after the House itself and a master politician and Albia. Albia carries his father's illnesses, but managed to outgrow and outlive them.  

Eorsta in 315AC

Today, Eorsta is one of if not the most powerful nation in Estarion. The year-long Council Regency is to end later this year, with many candidates up for election. The favourite is Assin's favourite son, Albia himself. Albia is a skilled tactician and mastermind economist, making him ripe for a position of royalty. Lord Ollar of House Elis is also a favourite for many due to his father, Lord Del, being the man behind the War of the Houses itself. Others up for election are Lord Aelor, Albia's brother; Commander Maxirin of House Cyprata, Prince Lollith of Jerris and Lord Correli of House Illis.   Eorsta is a vibrant, rich economy and is perhaps (now) the most cultural and diverse place within Estarion. Slavery is all but abolished in the South, with the Northern Regions only able to use Slaves already marked for their services. Life for a Slave itself has only gotten worse due to the Revenant System being restored in the North, and illegal slave trading has gotten worse across the entire nation. Many people are stolen from their homes or on carriages, given false marks and either shipped to the North to be given real marks, or are smuggled out of the Country from Shantytowns like in Port Isk, Port Greystal and Dask.

We fight for those who came before.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Eorstian Royal Mint
Legislative Body
Council of the Houses
Judicial Body
King's Court of Royal Procedure
Executive Body

Permanent Military Alliance

Forged by the two side's mutal interests in Borell and both nations incredible military power.

Defensive Alliance

The two sides will protect eachother if one is declared upon directly. Therefore, Eorsta does not join any war against Pes'lan's protectorates or marches.

Trade Deal

Trade Deal through mutal benefit. Eorsta dislikes having to pay Fostian Tarrifs on Allanrian Trade, and so Allanria pays these tarrifs for them. In return, Eorsta trades less with Sidegia.

Trade Deal

No hostility between the nations. A basic trade deal stands.

Official Warning against Nasterian Aggression

Bo Nasteris' war with Gatle is justified by core provences. If Nasteris takes more than this land, or attacks another nation, Eorsta will join the Dra'hellian Coalition against them.


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