Akermouth Hold Building / Landmark in Esselon AC | World Anvil

Akermouth Hold

Akermouth hold is located in the Emmerhurst Mountains. It is a well fortified castle stronghold. It's construction, millennia ago, was beyond anything anyone has come to know before or since...or so they say. In reality, the Hold has been repaired and rebuilt many times with the purpose of fending off an attack, from what, who can say? The Holdsmen , soldiers of Akermouth Hold, train in the art of the warrior. Warriors, it has come to be realized, come in all kinds. Each warrior is trained to best utilize their indivual strengths and talents. In this way, the warriors of The Hold are theoretically ready for a great variety of threats. In reality group criminals, undesirables and naive souls has been pledged or recruited to the Ackermouth hold. A once prestigeous watch position, now a place to send the unwanted, never to be seen again. Once this hold stood for something, held something back that threatened the very world. What this is has been lost to time and neglect. The Cataclysm destroyed the meager records that remained. Now the Hold is staffed by tradition only... and fewer recruits are sent each year. Akermouth Hold was originally built to house and protect the Demonic Amulet of Banebdjedet . It is sealed away in a vault with no door, buried under tons of stone, brick and steel. The troops above are unaware of its existence and it could lead to their undoing. Only the Master Holdsman Historian has any knowledge of this dangerous artifact.   Originally Akermouth Hold was built to repel an attack from Infernal forces and therefore was made of the strongest materials available. Over the thousands of years the Hold has been in existence, the high grade materials have given way to standard brick and stone as repairs have been made. It is still a sturdy marvel to behold, but not the impregnable fortress it once was purported to be.


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