The Fjellfolk, also known as Hill Dwarves, are a group of clans that have settled in the northern mountain range of Norturum. They are the only dwarven civilization that the Darahlian Empire has no dominion over. The Empire had tried to settle in the northern mountains for a long time but was never able to. The only kind that has managed to tame the furious mountains are the berserker clans of the Fjellfolk.
The Fjellfolk unlike their Darahlian cousins are not really crafters. They were the last nomadic holdouts of the dwarven clans and specialized only in combat and hunting. Even to this day they survive by hunting for food and selling their swords to others.
During the creation of their settlements in Norturum, as they were digging deep into the mountains, the Fjellfolk found veins of Ferahedrite. They have begun to mine it and sell it to the Empire. This in combation with their incomparable combat skills has allowed them to deal with the Empire in almost equal footing. Especially after their role in The War of the Sunless Skies.
While most Fjellfolk stick to the mountains there are still some who stay true to their nomadic origins. There are some roving bands of them travelling around the north, and even some exiles who have joined up the Roaming Tribes.
A constant point of contention in their dealings with the Empire is the fact that some Fjellfolk still hold worship of Ioketill. The current Emperor, Gremdohr Torevir, has focused a lot of his negotiations with them on getting them to accept a ban of such worship.