When we witness the eternal steel turn to rust, a broken man shall usher forth an age of fury and the dawn of evil.— The Supreme Augur
One of the few surviving prophecies from the last
Supreme Augur. Scholars have devoted many efforts to deciphering what the Augur could have foreseen. Historians date the prophecy at around 300 DAU, before the Illithid invasion. A contingent of scholars around the time believed that the Augur had foreseen the coming of the Dreadnaughts, but there was much debate in the University. After the war was over many more grew doubtful about the relevance of the prophecy to the invasion.
The investigations surrounding the prophecy have always involved connections with the other planes. It is a well established fact that the Augur could peer into planes beyond the Prime Material. In present day a lot of effort has gone to tying the prophecy to
Eirgarðr. As the
Order of Desolation learned of the prophecy and this particular analysis of it they became to champion the idea as well. Their efforts to demoralize the population by having the success of their invasion become a preordained ordeal have been successful.
The Order has centered cults in some of the settlements they have captured to continue seeding this idea, using their magic to mess with tools and structures, and planting the idea of
Vorok as the man who will bring forth the dawn of evil. There is no opposition left to this idea, what remains of the University and its faculty still study the prophecy and its implications but now they seek to find a way to survive it, not disprove it.