Kynthera Ghouls (Kin-ther-a gool)
The Kynthera Ghoul is among the most deadly monsters that one may encounter where you would least expected: populated areas ranging from villages to full size capital cities. These predators hunt in the dead of night, looking for lone prey to sate their hunger for the living. But while this may seem only somewhat separated from the common ghouls that are more well-known, the most striking difference is part of why they hunt in urban environs. As these ghouls are able to shapeshift, blending with the mortals they hunt, having normal professions, developing "friendships", and integrating themselves into their hunting grounds so as to seem as non-threatening as least until it is too late. And they possess an intelligence to orchestrate such things, with some such creatures being known to have hunted and lived among populations for several years before being caught out for one reason or another. The exact origins of Kynthera ghouls is not wholly known, with one of the most prevailing theories on them being they are created from fey changelings that had become infected with the ghoul plague on the island they are named for and where they were first uncovered. While the theory does attempt to connect how the ghouls are able to shapeshift due to their fae ancestry, it provides little explanation for how they have so much more intelligence compared to even some greater undead thralls.
While the exact appearance of a Kynthera ghoul's disguise to vary wildly based on the individual monster, they have a fairly standardized appearance as far as their more ghoulish guise. Nearly all of these ghouls have desiccated, lanky forms that are not too dissimilar to their more common brethren, but their skin has colorful patches akin to blots of paint on a canvas, and more elven-like pointed ears. This form is rarely on display until the Kynthera is prepared to go for the kill, as they use their clawed hands and fang-lined maws to rip apart their prey with a murderous glee.
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