A list of characters in the Titan Era. Individual character pages are available exclusively to Patrons.
God of Prophecy
God of War
Goddess of the Hunt
Goddess of Battle and Wisdom
Goddess of the Harvest
Goddess of Youth
God of the Forge
Goddess of Women
Messenger God
Goddess of the Hearth
God of the Sea
King of Olympus
Founder of the Atlantids
Founder of the Heliads
Founder of the Kreiads
Founder of the Kroniads
Founder of the Phoebids
Founder of the Tethids
King of Ilium; Son of Ilos; Father of Priam
Princess of Ilium and mother of Tenes and Amphithea
Wife of Autolykus
Daughter of Autolykus and mother of Odysseus
Demigod son of Hermes and a famous thief
Grandson of Eos
Sister of Helios
Mother of Autolykus by Hermes
Demigod son of Apollon; subject king under Laomedon
Daughter of Autolykus and mother of Jason
The son of Kygnus and Proklia, Prince of Kolonai
An Argosian Oracle
Daughter of Agenor, Princess of Tyros
Demigod son of Zeus
Argosian princess kidnapped by Zeus
King of Ithaka and father of Odysseus
Bastard son of Zeus and Europa
Son of Agenor, prince of Tyros
Daughter of Poseidon; mother of Achilles
Brother of Atlas and ruler of Ilium
Wife of Atlas
Founder of Delphi and Themiskyra
Daughter of Tragasus; second wife to Kygnus
A petty king in Phrygia under Laomedon