The Bear Seal Feast
The Bear Seal Feast is a traditional feast celebrated by several of the peoples that live on or near the Southern Ices. It occurs on the occasion when one of the communities inaugurate a new leader, sometimes called a jarl or a chieftain. Though there is some variation in the details of the feast between communities, the broad strokes are the same in most communities.
The feast is celebrated over 11 days, and each day involves specific rituals, practices and activities, some religious, some social and some culinary. Music, dancing, drinking and eating is a running theme, as is certain games and contests and the giving of gifts to honor the new leader. The entire community feasts together and it is supposed to be a time of great joy for all involved.
The pinnacle of the feast occurs on the 8th day, with the crowning of the new leader. On this day, the community partakes in the meat of a bear seal, the beast for whom the feast is made, which has been hunted and prepared some time before the feast. This occasion is the only time that hunting bear seals is permitted, as they are considered the protector animals of the region. It is vital that each member of the community partake of the meat, and even small babes too young to really eat are fed a small amount to ensure the bond between the community members stays strong. The leader is crowned by the placing of the bear seal pelt over their shoulders by the spouse of the previous leader or, if there is no living spouse, the closest blood relative. Often, necklaces or other jewelry made with the teeth of the same beast are also presented to the new leader.
Apart from the meat of the felled bear seal, a range of other dishes are eaten. Due to the climate, fish and the eggs of sea birds are central, and depending on the season berries, wild tubers and dishes made from seaweed may also occur. For communities that trade with peoples further north, the feast is often an occasion to eat foreign delicacies.
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