Moradin Character in Ervelust | World Anvil
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Moradin is a favorite of craftsmen and leads the dwarf gods. Warriors and smiths alike all say that if you don't properly maintain your arms and armor they will be destroyed.   He has strong ties to Bahamut and Pelor, and the three are occasionally called the Triumvirate. Together they keep peace among the gods.   The clergy of Moradin, in addition to being quite friendly, are considered some of the best craftsmen in the world. Harrus Brightforge, the grandmaster smith in Firion, was considered their best blacksmith.  
From the Notes of Lady Rhewa of House Alt'mer
Dated the 14th of Adamant, 120

Divine Domains

Earth, Forge, Metal, Craftsmen

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A forge, sometimes with a warhammer

Tenets of Faith

Meet adversity with stoicism and tenacity.
Demonstrate loyalty to your family, your clan, your leaders, and your people.
Strive to make a mark on the world, a lasting legacy
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Dwarvenkind, Father Stone, the Hammer of the Gods, the Soul-Forger, Lord of the Forge

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