Hill Dwarf Species in Ervelust | World Anvil
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Hill Dwarf

Hill dwarves are the most common on the continent. They share some similarities with their mountain brethren and the two help each other when they can. The phrase "ain't no party like a dwarf party" was created by hill dwarves. I can attest to their drinking prowess. If a hill dwarf asks you to play King's Chalice, decline.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Harrus has informed me that hill dwarves also breed in the common way.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hill dwarves possess 60 feet of darkvision.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Dwarves dress for the jib they're doing.
350 years
Player Information   Height: 3'8" + 2d4
Weight: 115 lbs + 2d4* x 2d6
Ability Score Increase: +2 con +1 wis
Speed: 25 feet
Darkvision: 60 feet
Dwarven Resistance: Immune to poison damage, advantage on saves against poison.
Dwarven Combat Training: Proficient with the warhammer, battleaxe, handaxe, and light hammer.
Tool Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the smith tools, brewer's supplies, or mason tools.
Stonecunning: Add double your proficiency bonus when determining the origin of stonework when using History.
Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Dwarven Toughness: Gain an additional 1 HP / level.   *Same roll used to determine height.

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