Halfling Species in Ervelust | World Anvil
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When I met my first halfling as a child, I was sad to discover that they wear shoes. As I have grown older and become a scholar, I find such stories to be useless.   One story I have yet to disprove is that halflings were originally the product of a union between dwarves and humans. I have found no evidence to support this, but scholarship is an ongoing process.  
  • From the Notes of Lady Rhewa; Dated the 17th of Shallan, 129
  • Basic Information

    Genetics and Reproduction

    I feel comfortable assuming that halflings reproduce in the common way (if the number of halfling whores are any indication).

    Additional Information

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Various places. Typically in quiet rural areas.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Halfling are unable to see in darkness without the aid of exterior magic.

    Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

    Halflings appear to engrain themselves into every society they live in.

    Civilization and Culture


    Halflings appear to be tight lipped about almost everything. They keep telling me that if it was my business knowing than I would already know.
    Scientific Name
    Shrimpus sapiens
    250 years
    Average Physique
    Portly, with cherubic faces.
    Player Information   Height: 2'7" + 2d4
    Weight: 35 lbs + 2d4* x 1
    Soeed: 25 feet Lucky: Reroll any 1 when making an attack, ability check, or saving throw. Use the second result.
    Brave: Advantage on saves against being frightened.
    Halfling Nimbleness: Move through spaces occupied by larger creatures. Languages: Common, Halfling   Lightfoot
    Ability Score Increase: +2 dex +1 cha
    Naturally Stealthy: Can try to hide when obscured by a larger creature.   Stout
    Ability Score Increase: +2 dex +1 con [br) Stout Resilience: Advantage on saves against poison, resistant to passion damage.   *Same roll used to determine height.

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