Erathis Character in Ervelust | World Anvil
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Erathis' massive nation wide cult has always said that the Goddess of Civilization isn't as aloof as we think, and that it just takes considerably more practice to interpret the signs.   The truth of the matter is, Earthis is the least communicative of the gods. After countless millenia of helping mortals recover when the Dawn War spilled over to the Material Plane, Erathis has left us wholly to ourselves. According to a gnome I met in Shiuan, after the Dawn War ended the gods were trying to decide what to do with us. Erathis, silent even among the gods, chastised all of them from Bahamut to Tiamat.   It is thanks to her that we are allowed to continue living. You could say that she is the patron of life itself.  
From the Notes of Lady Rhewa of House Alt'mer
Dated the 16 of Castiel, 121

Divine Domains

Civilization, Invention

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A halfcog with a starburst

Tenets of Faith

Work with others to achieve your goals.
Work with others to achieve your goals.
Defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness and the tide of barbarism.
Seek out new ideas, new inventions, new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer.
Build machines, build cities, build empires.


Family Ties

Twin of Ioun
Sister of Melora
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of Civilization, The Uncaring, Keeper of Laws, the Silent Watcher, the Hand of Judgment
Current Residence
Astral Sea

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