Mahuf Kam Character in Ersetu Samu | World Anvil
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Mahuf Kam

Mortal life

On the world Terar, Mahuf led a rather normal life for the first few decades. Born as the third son to lowly farmers in a small village in an unnamed land, the prospect for his future were rather limited: Help his brothers on the fields, marry into another family or seek his luck in one of the cities. Hoping to the something more in his life than working the fields every day, Mahuf set out on what his young naivety liked to call an adventure.

Even before arriving in the city, the ugly truth about most mortal civilization was shoved in his face. Travelling alone on the road, only having a wooden staff to protect himself, he was an easy target for the common highwayman. Instead of ambushing the lone wanderer, the cowards waited until nightfall to jump him in his sleep. When Mahuf awoke with a murderous headache he was naked and withthout a single thing to call his own.

Already too far from his home village, Mahuf could only walk forward and entered the rows of beggars in front of city walls. Trying to tell his story only earned him laughter from the guards and indifference from others. Arriving at the lowest stratum of society, he had no real choice besides turning to a life of crime. Over the years Mahuf became one of the most infamous thiefs of the city and even managed to use his innate shadow-affinity for small spells. Although being one of the most wanted criminals, he still managed to act after a moral code: Never harming innocents and never taking from those who truly needed it.

Nearly a decade later, after accepting a contract to steal a spell tome from a famous magician, Mahuf broke into the villa of Aion, who at the time lived a live as sorceress and advisor to the lord of the city. Breaking through several traps, both magical and normal ones, Mahuf managed to get to the tome but was there trapped by a final magical array.

Instead of imprisoning him, Aion revealed that she was his contractor and simply wanted to test his capabilties. She had followed his career for a few years and was impressed by his moral code. After explaining to Mahuf that she was searching for a suitable apprentice for decades and explained his natural affinity, he decided to take her up on the offer.

The remaining decades of his mortal life was spent travelling with Aion over the whole planet, learning and discovering more than any other inhabitant of this world. Their journey was cut short by the ongoing FIrst Celestial War, that arrived on their world and Aion was forced to explain to him her role as Celestial and Lady of the Cycle. The revelation shocked Mahuf not as much as Aion thought and she was able to complete his ascension without problems to join the war.

Immortal life

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Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
15th of Nonus, 80552 EoO
Date of Death
8th of Primus, 191857 EoO
80553 EoO 191857 EoO
Short, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
72 kg


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