Sage Thelun Arkady Character in Erisdaire | World Anvil

Sage Thelun Arkady

"The elf? Yeah, he's in his tower most days. If you want to speak to him, you'd better first make an appointment to go to the keep. Of course, he doesn't see anyone who's not another elf or adventurer. Good luck!"
— Erik, Pendelholm resident
  One of the four founders of Pendelholm, Thelun Arkady is a slender elven arcanist who prefers time in his laboratory to social interactions. Even his partners seem to be prone to allowing him his privacy, while striking out adventuring every so often. Between adventuring, duties to his kindred settling in the Arichala Valley, and studies into arcane magic, his time has been quite thoroughly covered. Almost everyone in the various circles he is involved in has an opinion of him, despite few having met him personally.

The Imperial Arcanists are dismayed he refused to join them, though he has no specific duty to do so. They are aware he has begun pioneering attempts to alter the elemental energy signatures of classic battle magic, something they would find most useful. This, coupled with his ties to the Sages of Myrisia, has led to them positioning an apprentice in his keeping who has been told to keep an eye out for any dangers to the Empire.

The Sages of Myrisia, on the other hand, were originally worried about accepting a student with advanced knowledge whose origins could not be determined. However, he enjoys a good reputation for providing a book on elven history from the elven perspective. This book illuminated a great deal of things which were not previously known to the world at large, such as the Fall. Since this presentation to ascend to being a true Sage, they have eagerly awaited more studies from him. However, Thelun has instead used the rank to access the vast storage of knowledge in the Great Library, searching for an answer to something.

The residents of Pendelholm have little to say about the "strange elf", or his kindred who avoid most contact with humans. They are more aware of his efforts to keep the town protected by weaving protective wards into the walls, and creating flameless lights to keep the streets lit. The pervasive attitude is a wary trust, since the other founders demonstrate nothing less than unwavering trust in their partner. Thelun shows little to no interest in improving this, however, only being present in town during routine checks of the arcane protections and other objects which require his attention.

Unknown to most is Thelun's interest in particular with Ortegan ley-line magic which has been recently rediscovered. The Sages are not made aware of this, since he feels there isn't enough information to warrant a presentation to them. However, the Imperial Arcanists are aware such magic may be useful - yet are also worried about inviting a similar catastrophe as the one which destroyed the ancient arcane empire.

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