Kingdom of Atserolf Organization in Eridania | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Atserolf

Atserolf, also called "Kingdom of the Forest", is the eldest nation of Eridania and homeland of the Elves , that still makes up the greater part of the population.   The kingdom has been governed by the Dalagh family since its foundation, and is one of the most powerful nations to form the Elder Council.


Atserolf is governed by the High King or Queen of the Elves, and by its Council, formed by the great lords responsible for the provinces of the kingdom.  
  • High King / Queen of the Elves - Represents the province of Iridis
  • Lord / Lady Redfyre - Represents the province of Rubrare
  • Lord / Lady Moonraven - Represents the province of Lunalla
  • Lord / Lady Icefall - Represents the province of Ecyclia
  • Lord / Lady Starhigh - Represents the province of Austriva
  • Lord / Lady Sandlight - Represents the province of Marevo
  The high-ranking servants of the royal court also participate in the power structure. They are:  
  • High General- chief of armies and commander of the Royal Guard;
  • Master Treasurer - administrator of kingdom finances;
  • High Cleric - chief of the Clergy of Ninfena in the kingdom and subordinate to the High Priest of Adris Eleos;
  • Royal Sorcerer - counselor and right-hand man of the ruler;
  • Prince/Princess - if he/she have reached the age of majority, the royal heir is allowed to attend the meetings in order to learn about the position that he/she will occupy one day.


Atserolf is the oldest nation of Eridania, having become official as a single territory five hundred years before the arrival of the Guardians, when Ninfena still walked between its creation.   The unification came after a pact between leaders of the various settlements that formed after the fall of Silmaluma. The old queen, Eleanor, the first elf to walk the planet, gathered the leaders of those who would one day become the Great Houses in a three-night council.   She suggested that it was time for the elves to unite their strengths and knowledge, cooperating with each other in order to learn from their failure in Silmaluma. She still gave up being a ruler, to demonstrate that she really cared about the fate of her people and not her own status.   After a lengthy debate and to settle the details of matters of territories and laws, the council eventually chose Eleanor as official ruler of those lands, and Queen of all Elves.   As Eleanor had said, the Elves grew and prospered working together, and many other kingdoms organized themselves following the example of that people. We can thus say that the elves were the key to Eridania becoming what it is today.   Eleanor carried out great works, building the capital, Adris Dalagh, and making trade treaties with its new neighboring kingdoms. It was the beginning of a peace between the races of the planet, and that did not please Lady Dark, who watched everything from the shadows.   Much time passed, and Ninfena left Eridania after fighting her brother. With that, Lady Dark came out of the shadows and chose to spread the chaos among Ninfena's creations. And the elves, proud and ambitious, became an easy target for the Empress of the Night. She again began to spread rumors and lies, and chaos was established among the four great kingdoms of the time: Atserolf, Ardenium, Iterdail and Aternol.   The elves began to arm themselves. On the borders with each kingdom they erected a guard tower, which became known as the Three Watchers. The castles and cities were surrounded by walls and the forests were densified by magic. Every little dispute or disagreement between the little lords ended up in struggle or even battles and one thing led to another until the four of them went into open warfare.   The conflict lasted for a year and was interrupted only by the threat of Obscurium and the arrival of the Guardians. War is an event that has forever shaped the history of those peoples and is also a fact of which they are all ashamed.   After the war, Atserolf joined the other kingdoms in the Council which would judge the veracity of the Guardians' words, a meeting which eventually led to the founding of the Elder Council, an idea of ​​which Queen Eleanor, at the end of her life, was a great defender.   Eleanor did not live to see the darkest moment of her people. The Queen had died a year before the disaster that occurred in Ancalys, the colony of her beloved kingdom. The elves suffered greatly from the incident, and the newly crowned king tried to do his best to accommodate the refugees.   Still, Atserolf and his powerful sorcerers have become valuable assets in the Eridania peace battle, and have always been able to face the League on an equal footing. The kingdom prospered and its knowledge is fundamental to the present day to protect its allies from the power of darkness.


Atserolf is formed by the seven provinces where the elves settled for the first time, the same lands that Ninfena yielded to them. Formerly, Ancalys was also a territory belonging to the kingdom, but is currently under the rule of Lady Dark.

Foreign Relations

Atserolf is an official and active member of the Elder Council, having been one of the first realms to sign the treaty that founded the organization. This places the kingdom in a huge delimited web where relations exist in all spheres with all the nations of Eridania. This also makes the League of Darkness and the Empire of Ancalys their main enemy.


Education has always been something dear to the elves, who learned a lot from the goddess and always sought to store this knowledge so that it could be passed on. Thus it can be said that the people of Atserolf are the most educated in all of Eridania.   It was from the rule of the kingdom that the idea was born to create the Royal Academies, which multiplied throughout Eridania. Atserolfyans have been educated from childhood in both the magical arts and in the studies of the world and society around them.

May the stars guide us along the way.

Founding Date
500 B.G.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Elven Kingdom, Alfheim, Kingdom of the Forest
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Legislative Body
The laws governing the kingdom come primarily from the Elder Council, in common accord with all nations. From this union of nations comes the treaties and rates of trade and transitions.   Laws of internal scope are decided by the Royal Council, although it has to pass through the approval of the Elder Council. Extreme measures can be promulgated by the ruler himself without the approval of either Council, as in the case of war measures aimed at the security of the kingdom.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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