High Elves Species in Erellon | World Anvil
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High Elves

Written by AnonymousCalm


One of the five humanoid magical races, High Elves are one of the oldest humanoid races still alive today. Born from (WIP Name)s that were in touch and connected with the ancient magic of the world, High Elves have an enhanced innate ability to call upon the magic of the world and thus tend towards the arcane arts. High Elves are at the heart of the lands controlled by the Citadelen Alliance and were the primary fighting force in its armies once the Dark Elves left the alliance.

Physical Appearance

Elves are considered to be the most beautiful of the humanoid races with their tall, lean builds and elegant features. Though some of the more bestial human races may disagree, their general lack of blemishes and inability to gain excessive as well as their long almost immortal lifespans that cause them to appear youthful and strong for the vast majority of their lives and even as they near death only the slightest signs of their true age ever appear. The elusive and righteous nature of High Elves also give them the appeal of something you can never truly have. High Elves though very strong and nimble show only average muscular builds and appear relatively weak. Lastly one of the most noticeable features of a High Elf's appearance is the long, pointed ears characteristic of Elves that enables them to hear sounds they otherwise could not have.

High Elven Craftsmanship

High Elves consider themselves to be superior to the other races and see themselves as the physical embodiment of perfection. This causes them to take great care in how they appear to others and will often chose clothes that accentuate their natural form. From tight fitting leathers to perfectly tailored dresses and suits High Elvish tailors may spend many years even decades creating the perfect outfit. High Elves are also known for their great craftsmen who design and build the beautiful and magnificent cities and homes of the High Elves. Similar to High Elven tailors, smiths design their weapons armor with not just function in mind but also the aesthetic of their weapon and armor designs. Similar to clothing, Elven armor is made to draw attention to the natural curves and edges of the wearers body. Elven weapons are made from a rare metal harvested from the mines in the Citadelen mountains by the Dwarves and are considered to be some of the greatest weapons ever created.

Basic Information


High Elves have a basic humanoid appearance with two arms, two legs, a torso and a head. The only differences between them and humans in appearance is their unnatural beauty and their long, pointed ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce in much the same way as humans; however, female elves are pregnant for nearly two years from the date of conception to the date of birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to their unnaturally long lifespans, elves are not considered to have reached adulthood until they are past the age of one hundred. A result of their innate magic they age drastically slower than other humanoids and don't show any signs of old age until they are nearly 600 years old. High Elves have a maximum life expectancy of 750 years but are expected to die closer to the age of 700.

Ecology and Habitats

High Elves are generally found in cities and prefer the comfort of their homes to venturing out in the wilderness.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As a result of their elongated lifespan and magical connection with the world, High Elves don't need to eat very much to sustain their bodies. Although High Elves could survive on just some fresh meat and fruits, most High Elves eat extensive multi-course meals to satisfy their highly refined tastes. Similar to their tastes in food, elves prefer the flavors of their alcohol over its level of intoxication.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Long, pointed ears and sharp, watchful eyes.

Average Intelligence

High Elves tend to be quite thoughtful and can use their long lives and their experiences from it to make wise decisions. This manifests itself in their dedication towards their craft as well as their natural ability to learn magic. Although not High Elves become scholars and magic users they are more suited towards it then most of the other races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have extremely sensitive hearing due to their elongated ears and also have the ability to sense magical fluctuations in the world around them. Besides these they have senses comparable to those of a human.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven names are often melodic and complex and show the care elves have about how others perceive them. Last names are chosen once an elf reaches adulthood and usually reflects his or her profession.
Male: Marlevaur, Deldrach, Vaeril
Female: Arcaena,Taenya, Ilyana
Surname: Warmessenger, Metalmaker, Clothweaver

Major Organizations

The Citadelen Alliance
The Sotar Dynasty

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most High Elves consider themselves to be better than the rest of the magical humanoid races and have had a general distrust of all humans, orcs, and halflings ever since they first attacked the Citadelen Alliance during the time of the Mage Wars.
Most High Elves are starting to look past the mistakes that the humans and halflings made during the Mage Wars and are trying to rebuild relations between the two sides. Although the High Elves are beginning to forgive most of the human allied races they are having a hard time forgiving many of the atrocities that the Orcs committed towards the elves during the conflict.
Scientific Name
Homo Generosus
Elven, Fey
600-700 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Tall, lean and elegant builds that show little to average musculature and have soft features.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Naturally pale though it is possible for them to tan if exposed to sun for an extended time.
High Elves cover

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