The Father of Innovation Vehicle in Eregost | World Anvil
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The Father of Innovation

"If the archives got a tenth of the funding that Project Freelancer gets, me and Church Paratir would have found out what the invasding cloud is by now." ~Levoith Silverscribe, Head Researcher of the Authenian Archives.
  Though thirty years old, The Father of Innovation is still one of the greatest technological creations of Eregost.   The Father of Innovation is the vessel used by the Director of the ACC, Archimedes Church. The vessel acts as his base of operations for his military project: Freelancer.

Power Generation

The FOI is powered by multiple arcane engines, machines that are a combination of science and magic. An arcane engine is a dynamo built around a tiny portal to Tartarus, siphoning energy from the hellish realm so that it can be harnessed. This energy is used to power the propulsion system, the arcane cannons as well as keeping several abjuration spells aboard the ship active.   These arcane engines could cause catastrophes if damaged, and due to this they are kept within the ship's core.


The FOI has three steel propellers attached to it, powered by the arcane engines found within the ship's core. These propellers allow the ship to travel at 65 kilometers per hour. These propellers need to be maintained weekly, as they can get tangled in seaweed and old fishing nets.

Weapons & Armament

The FOI is armed with arcane cannons, massive firearms that fire magical energy as a projectile, capable of disintegrating, electricuting, freezing or even teleporting its target. These cannons are powered by the arcane engines within the core of the ship.

Armor and defense

The Father of Innovation's hull is made out of pure adamant, making it almost indestructible and lightweight for a vessel of its size. This adamant was incredibly expensive, and supplying Project Freelancer with the resources to afford this adamant was a controversial one within the Authenian Senate.   The FOI's hull is covered in defensive magical glyphs, which respond upon impact. These glyphs create wards and magical shields, as well as extinguishing any fires or magical hazards happening on the FOI.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Director owns a magic box, that when closed, teleports the contents to another box in the Authenian Archives, and vice versa. He uses this box to send and receive letters from the Republic.

Additional & auxiliary systems

There is a teleportation circle on the Father of Innovation, ensuring that Freelancer agents could be deployed instantaneously and without attracting attention.   A construct was created specifically to manage lesser functions of the ship, such as logistics, reminders, announcements and calculations. Its voice can be heard throughout the ship, but it only takes orders from the Director himself. Though it has knowledge on various topics, it is not self aware.
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Current location
Related Technologies
45 meters
270 meters
32 meters

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Jan 21, 2023 08:47 by Joshua

The combination of the Teleporting Canon fire, Magic Box, and the Teleportation Circle have the effect of almost turning this vessel into a HUB and a Loading Screen at the same time. Vehicles are tools and the Father of Innovation, as it's name states, becomes almost more of a tool for the writer than the characters. FOI ex Machina!