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Bestiary February

This article was made as an entry in Bestiary February. 

  1. Wings
Hummingshrikes are the blood drinking pets of the Calabim Empire, resembling oversized hummingbirds with a thirst for blood. 2. Stripes
3. Horn
4. Shell
5. Colorful
6. Nocturnal
7. Mythical
8. Prey
Goraks are elk-like creatures with enormous, spade shaped antlers, shaggy fur, and bony armour plates. Found in the northern reaches of the Empire, they are well-adapted to the realms harsh conditions.
9. Monstrous
Bumbakvetches , despite their somewhat whimsical name, are among the most dangerous creatures ever to be found in Erden's forest. A nearly unstoppable juggernaught of antlers and muscle, a frenzied bumbakvetch can wipe out entire villages.
10. Danger
11. Purr
12. Roar
13. Shriek
14. Howl
15. Tamed
16. Pack
17. Burrow
Shaelmaar are rare, mole-like creatures covered in armoured plates, about the size of a grizzly bear. They are adept tunnels and navigate by detecting subtle vibrations around them. Though not especially aggressive, their size and ability to rapidly roll over almost anything in their path makes them very dangerous neighbors. Thankfully, they are highly averse to sunlight, and rarely leave their tunnel homes.
18. Bond
Kethyks are intelligent, dextrous horses found in the high elf kingdom of Lumeris. Bonding for life with their riders, they are capable of feats far beyond that of normal horses. 19. Stinky
20. Gentle
21. Messenger
Boggarts are hideous, plump creatures with an extreme work ethic and perfect memory. Unfailingly loyal, they are servants of the Unseelie Feywild.
22. Food
23. Vicious
24. Silent
25. Parasite
26. Predator
27. Stalk
Pukka are mischievous, furry creatures with enormous eyes and ears. They lurk in the boughs of forests, dropping rocks and other heavy objects on passerby, and love collecting shiny objects.
by Jernau_M_Gurgeh, Dall-E

Cover image: by Hanns Lautensack


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