Era'guya Creation of Eraguya
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Creation of Eraguya

Era beginning/end


The Zeeoy came to consciousness, within the infinite energy flows of the Primal Expanse. Slowly the few became many new ideas took shape. After a time the first and a few similar Zeeoy took to focusing on singular energies in the primal expanse. Several expelled the all other energies from their form becoming the Seraphin, Androsen, Kavant, and Laki'Ekuntuitus.   The Zeeoy set to making great cosmological works devising the planes. Several Zeeoy purified themselves to form a base for the realm they proposed, thus the planes wore forged. During the same time the four aligned races began to wage war on their opposition.   The original entities were cosmic in might and tore rifts in the flow which quickly repaired, but the Zeeoy saw these rifts and knew the havoc they would wreak on their fragile future. With a heavy heart they bound the alignments in separate planes allowing minor expenditures of their power outside their plane.   Over the eons the Laki attempted to find a way free of their "Prison". It was not until they finally gave up themselves that they finally became truly free. In a year unknown after EOM-1000 but before EOM-3626 the Laki became one with the Voiz creating the Void.   The Zeeoy formed Era'Guya and the vast expanses of the material.

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