Major Planets Geographic Location in Era of Expansion | World Anvil
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Major Planets

The Terran System is the home system of the Terran Species.


The Terran system is comprised of 1 yellow dwarf star, 8 planets with numerous natural satellites, dozens of dwarf planets, hundreds of 'large' asteroids, and thousands of 'small' asteroids. Scattered among these naturally occurring celestial bodies are thousands of man-made structures.

Fauna & Flora

Most life in the Terran system lives on the various space habitats and asteroid colonies spread across the system -roughly 60%. This doesn't just account for humans and their creations either; but most evolved life in general.

Natural Resources



Most Terrans born in distant systems make it a personal goal to visit the Terran System, Earth especially, simply to view the home of their ancestors with their own eyes and lean of their history in person. In a galaxy where artificial memories and experiences are synthesized en masse, having something as real as this rite is seen as special.

Articles under Major Planets


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