Chaos Planes Geographic Location in Epidotra | World Anvil
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Chaos Planes

Chaos Planes are a connected array of dimensional layers - like a universe sandwich. They are all infinite from a 3rd-dimensional view, and each have their own level of stability. Portals and gateways naturally appear linking the planes together, and those highly experienced with portal magic can create their own gateways.   It is unknown why, but every plane features creatures of similar type. For example, while Epidotra has humans, the 2nd plane has the Ancient Folk - identical in all traits with the exception of having Time magic, despite living in completely different locations. Throughout all planes, humanoid creatures are always present, and same goes for other forms of entities.    

1st Chaos Plane - Epidotra

Type: Universe
Primary Species: Human
Stability: Unstable
A universe with a planet called Epidotra, where many fauna and flora live.    

2nd Chaos Plane - ???

Type: Infinite Plane
Primary Species: Ancient Folk
Stability: Stable
An infinite cavernous plane with no surface. Home to the ruined Kingdom of Ryoga where the Ancient Folk resided. Where Bloodskull, the Tainted accidentally transported themselves to.    

3rd Chaos Plane - Demonhollow

Type: Infinite Plane
Primary Species: Demon
Stability: Stable
A hellish plane filled with lava, ash, and demons. The most well-known plane for the people of Epidotra, with books and stories of Demonhollow, and portals hidden around the world. The biomes of Demonhollow are split in giant regions, these include lava oceans, endless chasms, ashen wastelands, and a dark region where Dakr Succubi and Thulgrals live.    

4th Chaos Plane - ???

Type: Infinite Plane
Primary Species: Unknown
Stability: Unknown
All is known is that the entire plane is underwater, there is no surface, and the endless ocean has no known bottom. Giant fish and creatures of all kind swim in this plane. Home to the Emerald Sea Naga. The largest portal in Epidotra is towards this plane, located at the bottom of the Doomed Waters as a horizontal gateway. Above the portal is similar to the Bermuda Triangle’s myths, ships suddenly sinking or the water surface’s stability/density changing suddenly.    

5th Chaos Plane - Realm of Giants

Type: Infinite Plane
Primary Species: Unknown
Stability: Unknown
An infinite sky scattered with continent-sized floating islands, most shrouded in thick jungle flora. Everything in this plane is vastly bigger than all others, even Raven Giants, who are on average 55ft tall, are one of the weaker of the species that reside here. Dragons have been speculated to come from this plane, reaching Epidotra through a portal on an island that was erased by the Time Rip, the same portal Goliathon, Dragon God came through. Another portal to this plane appeared sometime in the Origin Age in the Ravencrag Mountains, near Ricusa - Anglon. Through the portal came the Raven Giants and a large green stalk of colossal fruit.    

6th Chaos Plane - ???

Type: Infinite Plane/Universe
Primary Species: Unknown
Stability: Unknown
A massive, flat and icy endless plane. Its sky is full of stars, but there is no light source apart from these to be found, causing the plane to be dark at all times. There are many shipwrecks within this plane, resembling 19th century steamboats. Underneath the sheet of ice is a massive cavern containing many species of blind creatures.    

7th Chaos Plane - ???

Type: Universe
Primary Life: Unknown
Stability: Extremely Unstable
A plane of pure chaos, the concept of death doesn’t exist here, meaning nothing can die, the closest thing to death is either to get absorbed by another creature, or to be deconstructed into an atomic level. There are humans here, expect every body part, material, organs, etc. is random. e.g. there could be a human with eyes on their hands or a mouth on their stomach. There can be creatures that are hollow on the inside, creatures that can absorb things, creatures with 8 arms, just to name a few examples. Since death isn’t a concept in this plane, if even one creature from here were to come to Epidotra, nothing in the universe would be able to stop it. The best thing to do would be to contain it deep underground and never let it become aware of the world above.   Upon the premature Great Reset started by King Slayer III, where the world of Epidotra became the most unstable, portals to the 7th Chaos Plane started appearing.
Dimensional plane


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