Sahulia Geographic Location in Entaria | World Anvil
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Sahulia, also known as the Expanse, is a massive continent that lies to the South East of Arinoth, across the Fidian Sea. The name was given to it by Capt. Henry B. Cooke – an Arden born sailor and explorer who was the first to discover it – after seeing the vast, seemingly endless stretches of desert and scrubland towards the continent’s interior. While many settlements and outpost exist upon the islands and archipelagos that surround it, very few exist on the mainland. Despite the abundance of natural resources, very little headway has been made into exploration and colonization due to the harsh environments and climates of the Expanse, its indigenous wildlife, the native inhabitants, and its other many dangers.   While many small towns and villages spring up all along the Eastern coast, few last for more than a month, due drawing the attention of the monstrous locals. The only major places of civilization are Hope’s Point (a port city first established by the people of Arinoth, and later Arden) on the Northeastern coast, Mire Town (a sort of thieves den/trading post between the Sahulian natives and the outside world), and Darastrinth (the dragonborn capitol of the world, and where legend says their race first began) located within the Erimos desert.   Despite all the dangers, many still make the journey to the Expanse. Some are prisoners sent there to serve out their sentence; some come seeking opportunity and a fresh start; others seek glory and wealth on the savage frontier; others still wish to explore the untamed wilds of the continent, and to study the diverse plant and animal life that exists there. Few live long enough to reach their goals…perhaps you may fair better.
Alternative Name(s)
The Expanse, The Southern Continent, The Frontier Lands, The Wild Frontier
Related Myths

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