Gashyx and Dragonsteel Material in Enkantria | World Anvil
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Gashyx and Dragonsteel

Gashyx is a rare metal formed from the fossilized bones of a dragon, and is imbued with the power of the dragon's soul. It can be alloyed into dragonsteel, a legendarily tough material, and its magic can be brought out to make extremely powerful weapons and armor.


Material Characteristics

Gashyx is the color of the dragon that made it. It is shiny and mystical and gives off an aura of power. Dragonsteel, however looks completely different. It turns into swirly and mystical mix of metals, much like real-world Damascus steel, with some of the swirls being the color of the gashyx.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Depending on the dragon, gashyx has different feelings. Red, gold, and brass gashyx is warm to the touch, white and silver gashyx is cool to the touch, blue and bronze gashyx gives off an electric shock, black and copper gashyx slightly stings, and green gashyx gives slight nausea to those who touch it for too long.


Gashyx is made into dragonsteel by alloying it with steel and iron with charcoal over a long period of time.

Geology & Geography

Gashyx is found wherever dragons live, meaning you can find some form of it almost anywhere in the world, but you wouldn't look for red gashyx in the tundra or white gashyx in a volcano. However, mountains are popular places for almost all dragons to live and can therefore hide many types of gashyx.

Origin & Source

Gashyx ore is made when a dead dragon fossilizes, its bones transforming into stone. The ore actually holds very little of the precious gashyx, a whole dragon's skeleton usually has enough metal for one suit of armor or a few weapons.

History & Usage


It was discovered about 300 years ago by miners in Yiba, and its magical powers were subsequently found a few years later to be used by the yiban army.


Gashyx ore must be smelted into gashyx much like many other minerals.
A dragonsteel sword, even without it's magic brought out, is worth about a thousand gold peices.
Extremely rare.
Gashyx can be red, green, blue, black, white, gold, silver, bronze, brass, or copper depending on the dragon that it was formed from.
Common State


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