Amelia Character in Endhaven | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Trashgull)

Amelia is a Taurpy drifting around from city to city trying to sell lightly-used junk, wares, and some unique magic items.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Amelia resembles a general Aarakocra from the waist-up with the lower half of an upright goat, roughly resembling a bird-satyr. Her left leg is slightly shorter than her right, so she has trouble balancing and walking about in general. Her face resembles than of a burrowing owl.

Physical quirks

Walks unevenly and unbalanced without flapping wings

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amelia started her life out poorly after her mother gave her up and left her to Ligiri, who was responsible for caring for the children of the Floating Isles. While Ligiri tried to care for the then-nameless child as best she could, the aarakocrans relentlessly teased or excluded her, with a particular incident resulting in the break of her left leg after being shoved onto a lower isle.   While Amelia recovered and Ligiri realized that she had no one to pay for her care, she footed the bill in secret and grew closer to Amelia, giving her an unofficial name and allowing her into her home in secret. But as time passed and Amelia grew older and more vulnerable to bullying just as Ligiri grew more popular in the community, she realized that this couldn't continue forever. Under the cover of nightfall, the pair flew east and out of the Ayalude Forest, where Ligiri dropped Amelia off at a crossroads and told her to find a new, better life by continuing east before she flew back to the Floating Isles.   Amelia traveled the roads for some time before reaching Occuna, where she found several hundred others just as destitute and lost as she was, though her strangeness only made her all the more outcast from these outcasts. She resorted to subsisting off the rubbish of high-income areas and businesses, as well as reselling whatever of the more lightly-used items she could, before getting chased off and restarting the process in a new town or city.   Once while trying to peddle her wares on the docks in Celcus, several citizens tied a strand of rope around her legs and pushed her into the water. Taurpies are even less agile in water than on land, so Amelia was terrified until she was pulled up and resuscitated some time later, striking her with a fear of water ever since.

Personality Characteristics


Due to being constantly on the move and homeless, Amelia is almost constantly coated in a film of grime that doesn't leave her feathers easily, if at all.
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1470 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Immediately abandoned
Known Languages
Aarakocran (partial), Plains, Tylotian, Kelmorian, Quimian (partial)

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