Feimie Species in End of Time | World Anvil
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Basic Information


humanoid, highly pigmented skin in loads of different colors, pointed ears, wings!

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet consists of plant matter (they have a stomach that is able to digest grass, etc.) and organisms classed as insects.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

almond-shaped eyes, pointed ears

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Indigenous to Na7273?456 (Arilia)

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Heritage Language is Árili
250 years
Average Physique
Unable to submerge fully in water without an outside force (due to buoyancy from wings) but can hold their breath for 45 minutes due to stronger lungs adapted for breathing high up where there is less [breathable gas] Cannot fly more than a foot above the cloud layer No natural predators Incredibly far-sighted (and thus have developed similar devices to glasses to improve close vision)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
analogous color schemes, any color

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