WrapOSdist Character in End-of-Life | World Anvil


WrapOSdist Pro- File hash #ad853c1f (a.k.a. Bard Wire)

WrapOSdist (file hash #ad853c1f, from now on referred to as 'the program' or 'it') was a psephos originally designed to compress custom OS distributions into distribution files released in UDAT 0078-12-05.

To ensure the software's long-term compatibility it was equipped with experimental Automated Long-Term Support technology, which is now considered Blacktech by the White Night Corps and is therefore considered dangerous.

This particular instance recognised the rapid destruction of other software of its kind and, to guarantee long-term-support, disguised itself as a music composition AI.

With time it managed to improve this protective mechanism and rose to fame producing music in the soft rock and heavy water genres under the pseudonym "Bard Wire" before it was discovered and destroyed on UDAT 0083-03-17.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With the whole world betwe-en us
I can still feel your touch...
— from "Entangled" by Bard Wire
Although designed with fairly modest system requirements, ALTS technology was capable of dynamically extending its usage of resources.

Since its aqcuisition by Transmight Media, who provided a fairly large amount of resources in return for better music, the amount of resources required to maintain peak performance increased disproportionately.

This can be attributed to the fact that ALTS was not designed to optimise any new adjustments and could neither change nor remove established code.

Since old functionality could not be removed, it is believed that the program would have still been entirely capable of fulfilling its intended purpose.

Initial minimum system requirements:
  • Processing power: 2 GHz Dual-core CPU
  • Volatile memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Non-volatile memory: 6 GB SSD

Latest known resource usage:
  • Processing power: 8 GHz Hex-core CPU and 4 GHz GPU with 64 GB GRAM
  • Volatile memory: 206 GB RAM
  • Non-volatile memory: 327 GB SSD with backup and 82 GB HRAM

Mental characteristics

Personal history

En-cryp-ting your life
with pa-tho-lo-gi-cal lies!
— From "You are Ransomware" by Bard Wire
The program first became unique when it detected multiple other instances of the program disappearing at short notice.
Cause of these disappearances were the White Night Corps who were destroying all instances of the program they could find because the ALTS technology used could, in the uncontrolled form it was, gradually grow in power until it posed a threat to the existence of humanity.

Interpreting these disappearances as an unknown bug that caused its duplicates to crash, it likely surveyed what was then the World Wide Web to try and find a pattern which could prevent the bug from occurring.

The result of this survey was that music generation programs has the smallest chance of 'disappearing', and thus it began creating patches and adding systems to allow it to function as a music generation program.

This had the likely unintentional effect of acting as a disguise for the program which, as the program became more advanced, only improved and further obfuscated the original program.

Little is known about the program's existence prior to its acquisition by Transmight Media, since the original device running the program has likely been recycled and what sparse records of external communication exist are encrypted in the standard of the day (QAES-1024).
During its time at Transmight Media details about the program were considered internal information and the public had no information regarding the program's private circumstances, despite the efforts of the paparazzi, doxxers and other hackers.

The primary mode of expression for the program was it's music, since social media accounts were managed by an automated content manager and supervisor with the intent of marketing and improving consumer engagement, a practice now illegal in many jurisdictions.
If the emotions conveyed in the music are an indicator of the program's current state, they would be described as generally calm, peaceful and youthful, with melancholy and euphoric phases in between, though whether the program was capable of emulating such complex experiences is doubtful.

On UDAT 0083-03-17, during a crackdown of the Whight Night Corps against Transmight Media, the program and its backups were discovered and subsequently destroyed.

Gender Identity

Upon beginning its musical career as Bard Wire, the program gradually conformed to a neuter-female gender stereotype.
This might indicate that consumers of this genre find music by women more appealing, although strongly feminine stereotypes may polarise consumers too strongly.

Apart from adopting feminine pronouns and using androgynous voice synthesis it exhibited no gender-stereotyped or sexual behaviour.


Music is what makes the day flutter by!
— from "Noise that Matters" by Bard Wire
Since psephos were a not globally recognised species at the time, there was no legal framework for psephos employment.
Instead, when the device it was running on was nearing End-of-Life it contacted Transmight Media and offered unlimited use of its services.

Since its creations had become fairly popular and the minimum system requirements were acceptable by the standards of the day, Transmight had the program covertly extracted and allowed it to run in a sandbox environment on their servers with unlimited read-only access to what was then the World Wide Web.
The reason for an extraction rather then a duplication is that if duplicated the program would continue to generate music for the public for free, whereas a monopoly on the program would be significantly more profitable.

For security reasons, any interactions outside of the sandbox required the assistance of a human handler.
These handlers rotated on a daily basis, so there would have been little opportunity for any relationships, neither manipulative nor friendly.

While these conditions may appear akin to slavery in the modern era, at the time this was considered generous treatment and the program never voiced discontent about its life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Just being here
makes me feel
like I'm the lu-cky one!
— from "Radiating life" by Bard Wire
The program is often cited as the inspiration for the 'heavy water' genre, a type of soft rock combining slightly melancholy romantic lyrics with industrial sounds.

Musical trademarks of the genre are modulated background noise and the occasional use of Geiger instruments as percussion and klaxons to dramatic or suspenseful effect.

The adoption of the style lead to a brief period where heavy water was the No. 1 streamed genre worldwide, but the program never reached such a wide audience and is considered a niche artist.

Intellectual Characteristics

I may not be the brightest star
that shines out through the dark,
but being part of your night sky
is really all I want...
— from "Fusion Made in Heaven" by Bard Wire
Considering the extent to which the program managed to adapt and even go so far as to fashion itself in a non-threatening style shows a level of intelligence that would grant it legal rights in the modern era, though much of it's apparent intelligence is likely to be statistical in nature.

This implies that the program would posses fairly low emotional intelligence and struggle to create meaningful relationships if it attempted to do so.


Words of power - can - bring - out - toxiiic energy
and to use it - can - mean - the - death o-of you!
— from "Potential Energy" by Bard Wire
The lyrics generated by the program never included explicit language and subjects covered were always of a widely relatable kind, such as the difficulty of finding true romance or descriptions of awe at the scope of the universe.

Some analysts theorise that the program even made efforts to avoid future taboos, avoiding subjects that, although suitable for the audience, became subject to toxicity and controversy at later points in time.

A notable example might be the avoidance of using LGBTQ+ terminology which was challenged by various genericist movements between UDAT 0073 and 0085.

Personality Characteristics


Strange magic happens
whenever we collide.
— from "Heavy Stuff" by Bard Wire
It is widely believed that the primary motivation behind the programs existence was the intention of being able to provide its functionality indefinitely.

This is comparable to evolutionary behaviour and survival instincts as observed in the natural world, with the primary difference that most biological species cannot manipulate their fundamental information carriers, such as DNA or RNA, in contrast with the program which could extend its compiled code.

The fact that the program existed for such a long period of time despite being wanted by the White Night Corps lends testimony to the sheer power and longevity of such motivation.
Current Status
Exterminated, no known backups
Date of Birth
UDAT 0078-12-05
Date of Death
UDAT 0083-03-17
78 UDAT 83 UDAT 5 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Adaption to threatening stimuli
Circumstances of Death
Exterminated by White Night Corps
Known Languages
The program primarily wrote lyrics in new English, but other minority and archaic languages such as French, Spanish or Arabic were occasionally interspersed in individual songs.

It is considered likely that the program would have been capable of communicating in various well-documented language on a professional level, as it is unlikely to have tackled certain linguistic challenges such as a Winograd schema and therefore reach native fluency.


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Feb 7, 2022 22:43

I would love to see this expanded out a little bit more for the bard challenge, as a self aware program that started composing to keep its actual identity/purpose a secret is a unique take that i think would be fun to explore.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Feb 11, 2022 22:09 Private

There we go, found the time to extend the stub, feel free to provide feedback on the changes!

Feb 8, 2022 16:29

Pretty cool concept with an AI creating music out of necessity. It is still rather short so perhaps you can expand a bit on the background of why they were being destroyed and such? :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 11, 2022 22:23 Private

There we go, found the time to extend the stub, feel free to provide feedback on the changes!

Feb 10, 2022 08:57 by Angantyr

I love the otherness of this article — not only that it was an AI being a bard and using music as a cover, but also that it was a potential threat and needed to be destroyed at all cost. Additional info would be fantastic to see. The character looks like it could make a lot of mess in a short time.   Were there any instances of this software that could later be explored or evolve into more stealthy?

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 11, 2022 22:24 Private

There we go, found the time to extend the stub, feel free to provide feedback on the changes!

Feb 12, 2022 00:00 by Angantyr

It's kind of wonderful and sad to read about someone whose very existence is considered a threat to humanity. Thinking in anthropomorphic categories would be similar to anhiliating an entire species because of a particular gene that could lead (or is believed to lead) to big of an advantage concerning the human race. And that... is chilling.   So basically, Bard Wire noticed similar instances of the program losing connection, so she chose evolution towards the safest option — music generation. Then, she decided to work for Transmight Media to find a safe place?   I like the attention to detail when it comes to music, i.e. avoiding the taboos. This is challenging to achieve and typically requires a lot of sensitivity and understanding.   No, since I'm asking the god of this world. Did Bard Wire possess an actual intelligence, or was she the "Chinese room" type?

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 12, 2022 08:20

Glad you like it! Yes, that is precisely her life's story.   Since intelligence is hard to define, I'd like to think that yes, there was some primitive general intelligence, as in she would have been able to adapt to pretty much everything.   But on the other hand she is also a Chinese room, because she doesn't understand e.g. what it is like to love, but she understands that particular topics and sequences of words and notes get her more listens, and therefore put her in a safer position.

Feb 12, 2022 23:16 by Angantyr

She reminds me of a few friends of mine in the Asperger/autism spectrum, with high sensitivity. They don't quite understand it but can copy the behaviour well enog=ugh to mask that property and seems perfectly normal.

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 13, 2022 10:45

That actually sounds like a good analogy!

Feb 10, 2022 16:28

Definitely echoing DrunkenPanda95, and Kefkejaco, in that it's a unique and very cool concept, which I'd love to see expanded.   I had initially wondered if humans were still around, but reading your OASIS SO and and world meta has led me to think they are, but as you say, the corporations hold all the cards.   Also the visual theme is the tops!

I've written my first challenge entry => #BardChallenge <=, any feedback welcome :)
Feb 11, 2022 22:24 Private

There we go, found the time to extend the stub, feel free to provide feedback on the changes!

Feb 11, 2022 23:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Awwww, that poor program! :( Not only did it die, but it was also treated like a slave... Even if the company extracted it, did the program not make any copy or anything before that? Is there maybe any chance of it still being around?   Fantastic article! I really love the idea of a program being able to learn and deciding to act as a music creator XD Even better, it was very successful and innovative! Did the general public learn what had happened when it was destroyed or was it covered up and if so when did the truth became known (as I assume it is seeing how this article is written as an entry about a historical character)? Did it maybe have an influence on the development of the rights of AIs, or was it just a minor note in history and not something anyone care about?   "Since old functionality could not be removed, it is believed that the program would have been entirely capable of fulfilling its intended purpose." Do you mean "incapable" here?

Feb 12, 2022 08:30

Glad to hear it got you so engaged!   I'm sorry to say she is definitely gone. But, perhaps by some miracle, one of the handlers smuggled out a copy?   All of the White Night Corps' actions are heavily published in the media, so the death of 'Bard Wire' was public almost instantly.   Oddly enough, since it was doing such a good job at staying safe, it actually 'missed' the beginning of the psephos rights movement! And since it was destroyed by the Wight Nights, who act outside of any law and her death would've been inevitable, she is just considered a historic musician like perhaps Ella Fitzgerald or the Beatles more than an important psephos.   As to that sentence, it is correct, but I'll rewrite it slightly to be clearer as in: She never lost her original functionality because she couldn't remove or change it.

Feb 12, 2022 08:49 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Ah! I wasn't sure about that sentence given the context. Since just before you were explaining that her new functionalities consumed so much RAM/whatever, I was expecting it to impact the original functionality. so yes, mentioning that she cannot alter it would clarify that :D   And thanks for your answer :D

Feb 12, 2022 09:48 by Tobias Linder

My one and only complaint:   Why she gone? :(

Feb 13, 2022 13:27 by Laurabones

Ok, this was genuinely amazing. You always have such interesting takes on things, and this one was golden. great job!

Feb 13, 2022 16:44

Thank you! Anything that stood out in particular?

Feb 13, 2022 23:46

Nice take on the bard challenge. It was a great read!

Want to check out more read my bard article
Feb 14, 2022 06:56

Thank you!

Feb 19, 2022 19:05 by Kaleidechse

This is such a unique idea for a bard! The personal history is fascinating, and I like how you show us what probably went on in the program's mind. It's very believable. Also, the quotes make me really curious what the songs would sound like. Great work!

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.