Harengon Species in Encyclopedia Materia | World Anvil
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Above the mountainous slopes of the temperate region of Materia, the plains stretch on in complete silence. The winds blows through the tall grass of these sloping prairies. In this quiet, idyllic setting, one can find small settlements roughly hewn from wood and stone. These are the enclaves of the harengon, and within, the frenetic activity of the Harengon can be seen.  

Territorial Mercenaries

  The harengon are an aggressive, warlike people. During peacetimes, they focus on the fortification and defense of their own territories. The most common occupations for a harengon are mercenary, miner and craftsman. Though they have been noted to cultivate a strong druidic tradition and their herbalists are considerably well versed in the properties of medicinal plants. Harengon are sedentary farmers, and, being herbivores, do not hunt. Though they are not shy of killing trepassers. Typically, a harengon does not venture far from home without a purpose.  

Subterranean Allies

  The harengon live in large, communal warrens composed of familial burrows (these familial groups are called clans). These tunnels are dug close to the mountain's surface, between 2 and 15 metres deep depending on the quality of the soil and rock. This places them in direct competition with the dwarven kingdoms. However, instead of turning to conflict, the two formed a fast allyship. There is an active trade network between the harengon and dwarves. The former provide manpower as guards, scouts and messengers to the kingdoms, while the latter supply the harengon with weapons, technology and precious resources. As a results, while harengon settlements seem simple and, in some cases, primitive, the inhabitants could be armed with the finest dwarven weaponry.  

Large Families

  Harengon are a short lived, precocial people. Children are hopping within days of birth (though clumsily), and talking within their first few months. They mature at the age of 10 and the oldest lived harengon druid on record died at the age of 62. It is, however, rare for a harengon, especially a jack, to live that long. Typically, they die on the battlefield. As a result, harengon counter their high mortality rate with a staggering birth rate. It is not uncommon for a mother to be caring for up to 8 children. These children are, from an early age, encouraged to take part in the workings of the warren and as such, social parenting duties are spread throughout the clan.    

Harengon Names

To harengon, names are functional and descriptive. It is not uncommon for a harengon to take a nickname or use-name, or to change their clan or warren appelation should they find themselves never returning to their original home, or having a stronger connection elsewhere.

Harengon typically name their children short, 1-3 syllable names, often either borrowing sounds from the dwarven cultures they associate with or using a noun from the nature that surrounds them. These first names precede the clan name and the name of the warren they are associated with.
Harengon clan names are descriptive of a trait or profession that the clan has dedicated themselves to. The warrens are names for their environment.

First Names: Hazel, Snow, Thorn
Clan Names: Redtail, Brighteye, Farseeker
Warren Name: of the Running Water, of the Winter Wind, of the White Coast.
Example names: Thorn Farseeker of Winterwind, Hazel Brighteye of the White Coast
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity
Speed: 30ft
Age: Harengon mature at age 10 and have an average lifespan of 50, though they rarely reach that age.
Size: A jack stands about 5-6 feet while a sylvalagus stands between 3-4 feet (without the ears).
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarven.
  Leporine Senses: You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Rabbit Hop: As a bonus action, you can jump a number of feet equal to five times your Dexterity modifier without provoking opportunity attacks. You can use this trait only if your speed is greater than 0. You can use it a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Jack Harengon are tall and athletic, and typically compose the working and fighting force of their warren.
Ability Scores: +1 Constitution
Size: Medium
Lucky Footwork: When you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the save, potentially turning the failure into a success. You can't use this reaction if you're prone or your speed is 0.  


Sylvilagus Harengon tend to be smaller and more alert, they typically compose the homesteading and medical forces of their warren.
Ability Scores: +1 Wisdom
Size: Small
  Seasonal Camouflage: Your fur allows you to blend into your surroudings. If you have not moved this turn, your may add a d4 to your next Stealth or Hide check.

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