The Separation in Embers of Tengri | World Anvil
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The Separation

The Separation was the severing of the Tengri System from Greater Terra. Started by the shutdown of the Tengri Relay, this event was a major point in Tengrian history. The resulting consequences of which lead to %92 of the human population (At time of separation, 1.3 Billion) perishing along with the extinction of most sentient aliens, total collapse of the government, and the Umay Annihilation.


While the cause of The Separation is the Tengri Relay's shutdown, the reason is not. Whether the relay shutdown was local, or an entire network shutdown is also unknown. The leading theory is the destruction of the exit relay cause the Tengri Relay to shut down, but most information that could have helped confirm the theory was destroyed in the explosive attempt to reactivate the Relay in 1 Pos-S.


"The Separation was, in all honesty, the end of times. Its a surprise humanity survived in Tengri and did not perish like many of its comrade species."
-Caramona Sky Leader, 297 Pos-S

One of the immediate and critical effects of The Separation was food sustainability. While Umay had agricultural production capabilities and plans for full agricultural terraforming, they were not productive enough at the time of separation to support the full system population. While it was projected an estimated %20 to %40 of the human population would starve, most other sentient species living in the system would go extinct from starvation due to only human crops being capable of growing on Umay, the protein chains needed by other alien species were not able to be made. Estimates for total human starvation, however, drastically increased due to the Umay Annihilation and making Umay incapable of sustaining life for decades. The resulting famine and conflicts for resources lead to total death estimates to be 1.2 Billion.

Greater Terran rule survived the first initial months of separation in military rule. The remaining GT military dissolved into warbands and coupes overthrew remaining leaders after the explosive destruction of the Tengri Relay, and the conflicts between these groups lead to the nuclear exchanges on Umay. Most remaining Greater Terran power consolidated on Ay Dede, where it is still remaining to this day.

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