Oslocon Organization in Elotia | World Anvil

Oslocon (Oz-la-khan)

The Oslocon is a secretive group of mages who operate behind the Phesun Council. These mages do not hold status within the Council itself, yet they try to exert their influence and are hopeful that, someday, one of their members will be appointed to the Council.   The Oslocon believe that the aims and work of Oslo, one of the main instigators of the Great Borian War from the Phesun side, has been misconstrued by time and that his ideals should be revived. Specifically, they believe that Phesunlay should create a magical empire in the north which hunts, captures, studies, and controls the Godlings in the Borian nations. The Oslocon sees Godlings not as sentient creatures who once ruled over and perhaps even had a hand in creating the people of Phesun, but instead sees them as corrupt creatures who have hoarded magical power for their own benefit, trying to ensure control over the people of the Elotian nations.   Some members of the Oslocon have made their beliefs public in the past, including two members who were put on trial at the Kentasorte in the last ten eochs (before being sentenced to life in the Bandit Lands).

Public Agenda

The Oslocon's public agenda has remained mostly hidden, with the exception of public assertions of their agenda during recent trials at the Kentasorte. Much of the Oslocon's work occurs behind any public face, seeking to influence decisions and events and appointments through political means rather than through outright influence. The Oslocon likely planned for some of their agenda to be made public at these trials, either in an attempt to gain public buy-in or to create a false panic of the existence of the Oslocon, thus providing its members a chance to appear as champions against their own cause (without anyone knowing).


The Oslocon is likely in possession of some of Oslo's old belongings, which have long been in the hands of public collectors and historical archives that sought to document the events surrounding the Great Borian War. While it is unclear if the Oslocon has a set meeting location or own any real property, both arrested members of the Oslocon were found in a private library on the shores of the Hag's Bay.


The Oslocon, in its current iteration, likely arose sometime in the last sixty eochs. It appears to be an attempt to revive an older organization, the Daydark, which was the name adopted by those who followed Oslo during the time of the Great Borean War.

The night belongs to the Phesun

Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
Oslo's Followers, Oslo's Circle


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