Sister Valéria Character in Elodíl | World Anvil
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Sister Valéria

Gracia Valéria Dovusta (a.k.a. Valéria, the Kind)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She had a thin, but well-built body, with many not apparent, but strong muscles, and impressive agility. She was small, but that didn't prevent her from accomplishing great things.

Body Features

She had light skin, with the colour of cream. Her hair was long and golden, shiny as the hair of Helena, filled with a magical glow that brought joy and hope.

Facial Features

She had a fine nose, curious and small, with a perky curve. Her eyes were blue as the sea, with undertones of gray and green. Her skin was extremely smooth, with no imperfection seen on the surface.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valéria was born in the Kingdom of Akælia, at the time part of the Núbrian Country. Born from parents that didn't want her at all, considered by the father a bastard for having blue eyes, which weren't present on neither him or his wife. She was almost hated, and at many times, she suffered from attempts of infanticide by her parents. She went to study on the newly founded school of a city near her village, and there, she didn't suffer as much as at home, but still did so. Had some occasional friends, that would then turn their backs to her to be with the more popular or the richer. Her social inability made her close herself, which deeply affected her aptitude to call for help.
One day, in a cold morning, she was coming back from school, and when entered home, called her parents. Upon the lack of answer, she went to search for them, to discover that they'd left her for good. She cried and suffered, but nevertheless resisted. Nothing had changed, as she was born alone and unwanted. For days and nights, she lived alone, rationing what little she still had left to eat and trying to live a normal live.
Of course, it didn't last long. As soon as the tax collectors arrived, the house wasn't hers anymore. She saw the destruction of her childhood home, witnessing the walls collapsing on itself and transformation of the forest around in fields of grain. But she didn't shed a tear, for only bad memories inhabited within those walls, and it was better like that. When she turned seventeen, she searched for shelter on the Waning Moon Sisterhood, but was quickly expelled for her lack of religious knowledge. She wandered for days and nights, until the day she allegedly had a vision, a vision of greatness, of Helena, Mother of Day. Waking from her sleep, she searched for a religious leader, Mother Koléia, known for her failed attempts to found a Kingdom, and went to her claiming to be the chosen to help her on her quest.
Little of her history is known during the time she was working on the construction of the Kingdom of Akælia, preferring to stay low as she was practically the leader of a rebellion against the Empire of Núbria. It is known for a fact, though, that she was extremely kind and abnegate, helping the poor, the children in need and in precarious situations and the animals.
In the year of 160, she conducted a rebellion, taking farmlands and with the help of her comrades building a wall around the now-to-be Kingdom of Akælia. For two weeks, they constructed the Kingdom and claimed to be independent from the malevolent grip of the Empire. In 163, they had a battle, where the Army of Núbria invaded the lands of Akælia, and she fought with valor, protecting the land she swore to defend. And there, on the lands of Akælia, she died, as one of the Núbrian soldiers took her, wounded and on the edge of death, and cut her head off.
One year later, in her memory, the people once again rebelled against in her memory, reducing Núbria to ashes and building the Kingdom on the remains of both the Empire of Núbria and the Empire of Calladia. She was nominally the first citizen of Akælia, and was buried under the Sunray, the first and tallest tower in Akælia.


She went to school when young, but dropped as soon as her parents left her. She then trained combat all alone or with the lonely boys that dreamed into becoming great warriors. As soon as she joined the Sisterhood of the Waning Moon, she chose the Path of the Sword and the Path of the Wand, honing her swordswomanship and learning the arcane, ancient magick of moon. As she was expelled, she started going regularly to different libraries around the places she'd travel to, learning philosophy, sun magick and the art of archery.


She never had an official work, but her life was dedicated to helping the unfortunate and to founding a Kingdom of Greatness in honor of her Goddess.

Mental Trauma

She was abandoned by her parents, detested by her classmates and never befriended nobody before organizing the rebellion. She had social anxiety and even feared people.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation was always to accomplish something great, to prove to herself and to other that she was worth it. Her motivation was also to see other people happy, even at the expense of her own joy, because even if her happiness was doomed to never be since her birth, she believed that everyone deserved to be happy.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Holy Gracia Valéria, Queen of Skies, Mother of Kindness, Sister of Poor
95 AFC 163 AFC 68 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Valéria was born an unwanted child for a couple of poor farmers.
Circumstances of Death
She fought in the war for Akælia, defending it against the invader until her last breath.
Blue, sad and filled with thoughts of worry and solitude, but still full of hope.
Blond, shiny as the sun, as if she was born from the skies.
1.61m or 5'3"
Aligned Organization

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