Half-elf Species in Elmincia | World Anvil


Half-elves are beings born of a marriage of a human with an elf. Since elves and humans do not live under the friendliest of terms in Elmincia, Half-elves tend to be rare, but they are known by most people.

Basic Information


Half-elves tend to resemble a lot their elvish counterparts, being as tall as elves but a little heavier.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-elves are capable to reproduce with humans and elves alike. Their offspring is also almost always half-elf. A human can have a half-elf as a parent in some rare cases, but an elf born from a half-elf is unheard of.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-elves grow at the same rate as humans do. They tend to live around 150-200 years.   In rare cases, the elves grant to half-elves the elvish grace. These half-elves never become proper elves, but they have an extremely long lifespan.

Ecology and Habitats

Most half-elves live on human towns, as the human cities are more accommodating to their kind from their elvish counterparts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, though half-elves usually tend to keep themselves healthier and fitter than most humans.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Half-elves usually are trying to adapt to the society they live in. They either integrate well among humans or they travel a lot throughout the world, gaining their lives as mercenaries.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Work. Half-elves tend to live longer than humans and get old slowly. This is usually appreciated in human societies, as they have a longer productive life. They usually work as bard, minstrels or entertainers, or they teach youngsters about their travels.   Slavery. Half-elves tend to not adapt well to captivity, though they can be more docile than elves. Overall they fetch the same value as humans.

Facial characteristics

Half-elves have finer features than humans, but they can also have hard faces.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Half-elves are mostly travelers and found the world over. Some of them settle in human towns. There is also a small part of them that decide to live among the elves.

Average Intelligence

Average. Half-elves are on average as smart as a human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Half-elves have Darkvision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-elves tend to adopt names from the society they live in.

Beauty Ideals

Depends on where they live, but in general, half-elves do appreciate fitness and have traditional beauty values.

Average Technological Level


Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Elvish.

Common Etiquette Rules

They tend to adapt to the customs of the society they live in.

Common Dress Code

Here they also tend to follow whichever dress code of their society, but half-elves tend to like colorful exuberant clothing.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most of the poems and music produced by dark elves that became famous in understandably about the longing and search for a place to belong. There are several pieces of art attributed to half-elves creators that became famous the world over.


Half-elves are almost as old as elves themselves. Overall, due to not being very populous they don't have had much impact in world history, and instead of a history of their own, they tend to participate in great feats of either humans or elves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Half-elves tend to live well among humans or elves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
180 years
Conservation Status
Humans and elves live mostly in isolated cities, as the two races, while allied, are not exactly friendly to each other. As such, half-elves are not exactly common, but neither are they in any risk of extinction.
Average Height
1.5 - 1.8m
Average Weight
45 - 90 kg.
Average Physique
Half-elves tend to keep themselves fit and worry about their bodies. They also tend to not grow as many muscles like humans, though they can be very strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most half-elves have white or brown skin.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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